36 - The Visit

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You're parked in front of large metal fences and gates, as Jarvis switches off the engine. You were in a daze, looking at, but through the gates.

"You don't have to do this Evie." Howard speaks softly.

"Yes I do. We need to know who else is involved. Otherwise anymore progress made with Bucky could be lost or worthless." Still staring ahead, you spoke almost robotically.

Your peripheral vision picked up Howard turning towards Jarvis, the movement of Jarvis to meet Howard's gaze knocked you back into focus.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." You smile weakly. You lean in to kiss Howard's cheek and go to get out of the car.

"Evelyn." Howard's tone was completely different. It made your stomach twist.

You turn to him and he had a tear going down his face. You furrow your brows at him and cup his face, wiping the tears with your thumb.

"What's wrong? You do know she's locked up right? She can't do anything." You try and reassure him.

"She's an agent Evelyn, she's a literal trained liar. She will say anything to get a reaction out of you." Howard is more stern.

You smile and lean in, planting a soft kiss on his lips. As you pull away you place your left hand in front of him. Smiling.

"She can say what she wants. I'm the one who's taking your surname." You grin and exit the car before Howard has chance to answer.

Shutting the door behind you, you walk upto the large metal fences, there was a queue to a little gate up ahead, which you joined. It was a mixture of elderly ladies, young gentlemen and children.

"Friend or relative?" A sweet croaky voice asks behind you.

You turn and see a frail old lady, hunched over on her walking stick. Wearing a flowing floral dress with a little white cardigan, her white hair was in tight wringlets with a clip creating a tied back look.

"Neither. Business. What about you?" You ask kindly.

"Relative. My silly daughter, only gone and got herself into some trouble didn't she? The youth of today, can't help themselves, even after a war." She speaks in a high-pitched yet croaking voice, the tutting after made you smile.

"I'm sure she regrets it. Especially if you have to travel and see her."

"You'd think deary. But not my Ava. No, no, my husband won't even join me on the travels because she is so darn rude." She goes on, hurt lacing her voice.

"Then why do you?"

"She's rude, dangerous and nothing but trouble. But she's still my little girl. I still see the same auburn beauty dancing through overgrown meadows, laughing as she played with her friends, kissing me goodnight after a bedtime story. Not this-this other person she's become." Her tone changed from nostalgia to disgust in the blink of an eye.

"I'm sorry, it must be hard." You say sincerely.

"It can be. Anyways enough about me, whats a darling girl like you doing coming to a place like this? What kind of business is it? Lawyer?" She asks.

"Not exactly. Just an old business partner who went down the wrong tracks and I want to know why." You try and be vague but still give her something, she was a sweet lady.

"That's the question we all want the answer to. Why. Whether they want to give it or not is a different question."

"I hear that." A southern accent from in front of you spoke up.

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