26 - Next Steps

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You walk out of Howard's tent, both of you with beaming smiles.

When a breathless soldier runs up to you both, curled over coughing. You rush to the soldiers side, guiding him to a chair outside of the tent.

"Okay soldier, sit up, slow, deep breathes. In for 4, out for 4." You say soothingly, as you crouched in front of you.

You watch as the soldier follows your instructions and you see him slowly get his breath back. He immediately stands to attention and fear crosses his face once he notices Howard.

You catch onto this and a little laugh escapes you.

"Hey, don't go all formal for this one. There's no Colonel or superiors around, at ease. Now, was there something you needed? Or wanted?" You ask, once again guiding him to the chair by his shoulder.

He hands you an envelope. Large brown one, which was rather thicker than normal.

You furrow your brows and hand it backwards towards Howard, stepping beside him, you watch as he takes the papers out of the envelope.

"I don't understand why we've been given these?" Howard says, looking up at the soldier.

"Colonel Asher asked you to see him once you had looked at them." The soldier continues.

You and Howard share a look, but head to the Colonel's tent.

You walk through the camp, in a fog of confusion. As you're walking you were in a daze, noticing this Howard loops his arm around your waist, pulling you into him and steadying you.

You reach the Colonel's tent, again Howard pulls back the curtain and allows you to enter first and to add even more confusion you see Bucky and Steve stood there too. With the same envelope.

"Steve, James?" You ask, confused.

"Please Miss Miller, call me Bucky." Bucky replies wholeheartedly.

"Well in that case, call me Evie." You smile.

"So Colonel care to shed some light on what this is about?" Howard asks, raising the envelope in the air.

The Colonel looks cooly at you all, before rising to his feet and walking to the front of his desk, he sits against it, crossing his outstretched feet and then his arms looking intense.

You all look amongst yourselves, as a serious look etches across his face. You gulp, your stomach twisting, but you didn't know why...

"You're all going home." He says lifting his head with a beaming smile.

"Wh-what?!" You ask.

"Sir, but i-" Steve starts.

"I know, I know son, you've barely done anything in the war. I understand that. I know that's why you joined. But if you look to your right... that's something this army attempted several times with every attempt ending in retreat. You saved him. I'd say that's a big enough reward for the war, wouldn't you?" The Colonel watches Steve carefully with a soft smile.

Steve looks at Bucky, with the most adoring gaze and loving smile "it's a big reward in my life, sir."

Bucky whips his head up, meeting Steve's eyes and you notice the gaze had more than friendship in it and your heart swelled watching it happen.

"And me and Evie?" Howard speaks up, bringing the boys out of their moment, which made you tut and shakes your head.

"I'm getting that girl out of here before she does anything like that again. Took you two long enough to admit your feelings to one another, so I thought I'd get you both home so you can finally be... one."

You look up through your lashes at Howard, who was already looking at you. He leans in and kisses your forehead.

"I'm good with that." He says still looking at you.

"As am I." Steve announces, pulling Bucky into a hug.

"Very good. Your plane is waiting for you at the edge of camp. Thank you for your service Captain and Sargeant. We have your details, we know where to find you too." He shakes the boys hands and they go to the door, whilst the Colonel approaches you and Howard.

He places a hand on yours and Howard's shoulder. Smiling as he looked between you both.

"Evelyn, sweet girl. Would you mind giving me and Howard a few moments, go and get yourself packed and ready to go, gentlemen would you-?"

"Of course not, Evie." Bucky answers, extending his arm for you to link as Steve pulled the curtain back to allow you to walk through.

-Howard's Perspective-

"Everything okay Marcus?"

The Colonel checks the coast is clear before pulling you into a chair that was facing him.

"I'm going to be very frank here Howard. I apologise for the delivery in advance but this needs to be said."

"O-ok-okay?" You were even more confused than before.

"You take that girl home and you take care of her like she's one of your inventions, do not let anything happen to her. You hear me?" The Colonel is leaning forwards in his seat, with a finger pointed.

"Marcus, with all due respect sir, I thought that went without saying."

"Oh I know it does Howard. But she is like a daughter to me and since her father is a well you know. Someone has to do this with you." He chuckles.

You return the chuckle, fully understanding and appreciating that she had someone to do this for her and that you were getting this talk.

"In all seriousness now though Howard. Please be careful, that girl would take a bullet for you, which she almost did. And that's love... but its a dangerous love that could end with one or both of you dying if one of you isn't careful."

"Marcus, relax. She isn't going to be leaving my side. Not after pulling this stunt here. My whole life flashed before my eyes when those two came back without her. I couldn't breathe, I know how it feels to lose her and I won't repeat it. I've seen her be hurt before and that rage consumed me. So I can assure you, she's safe with me."

The Colonel smiles as he stands extending his hand toward you. You stand and take his hand, he shakes it and pulls you into a hug.

"Atta boy Stark. Now go home." He whispers.

"Yes sir." You smile back. As you head to exit thr tent you turn back "Colonel, make sure you come home too. We'd love to have you for Christmas, thanksgiving, birthdays, bbqs, you know family gatherings. She needs her father there." You say with a genuine smile.

"Keep me a place setting Howard, I'll be there. With pies." He grins.

"Holding you to that." You laugh as you head out and head to Evie's tent.

-Back to Evie's perspective-

"Hey you, everything okay with Marcus?" You ask.

"Perfect. You've got yourself another dad in him you know?" Howard says, wrapping his arms around your waist.

Tears flood your eyes "I never realised he saw me and himself the same way." You wrap your arms around his neck.

"Oh he sure does, he's just had the talk with me." He chuckles.

You lean your head on his shoulder and laugh, wholeheartedly.

"I'm surrounded by the best men." You look up at Howard and stroke the back of his neck with one of your hands.

"Let's go home nugget." Howard says before leaning down and capturing you in a delicate but passionate kiss.

"Happily." You say back.

You were feeling happy, content and your life felt complete.

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