16 - Back to Work

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-Three weeks later-

Since the night of your father's attack, you'd been living permanently in Howard's mansion. Any time you try and look elsewhere Howard sulks, it's adorable but makes your new found feelings very hard to deal with.

Luckily you'd both been rather busy with work and you were particularly busy with Steve, he was a welcome distraction, he made it easier by calling you out on your feelings for Howard one night after one of his appearances.

The tour was extended after that night, to limit the stress to you and Howard, which wasn't as effective as everyone expected it to be. Having to still work with Peggy, watching her faun over Howard and deal with your feelings was a whole new level of stress.

With the additional stress of the court case. Your father reported you and Howard to the police for assault and threatening behaviour. Obviously it backfired, massively.

The moron only went and got him and his three stooges locked up for the next 15 years for conspiring to murder, attempted murder, assault and stalking. It was sweet justice.

"Evie... evieeee" an overly chipper voice sang next to you.

"Yes Margaret." You spit out, as you lay with a cold flannel across your forehead and eyes, nursing a stonking migraine.

"Erm, Howard is asking for you but doesn't want to leave the lab. He seems very excited. Something about he found it..."

The last three words make you bolt upright and look at Peggy with a delighted look on your face. Standing face to face with her, you excitedly grab her arms.

"Is that definitely what he said?"

"Y-yes, why what is it?" She shouts as you are running to the lab.

"Never mind Margaret" you shout back.

Crashing into the lab and stumbling over your own feet, you stop and look at Howard. His face said it all, he was in awe, gazing at his desk and he finally looks up at you, locking eyes with you. You watch him carefully, and he nods subtly at you.

You slowly make your way over and see it on the desk.

"How?" You breathe out.

"I made a few calls, 3 days later. Her-here it is"

"Howard you truly are a genius my lucky charm"

"Why thank you nugget."

-Howards perspective-

You look up at her, her hair falling and naturally accenting her face, loose curls wrapped around one another.

Her eyes completely fixated on her work, having that glow she has about her when she is proud, happy and excited.

It was a smile you never tired of looking at. All you wanted to do was run around that table, wrap your arms around her waist, hold her and tell her how much she meant to you.

How much you loved her. How much it hurt watching her with Steve. Just tell her you wanted to be with her.

But you couldn't.

You'd rather have her as your bestfriend and continue to admire her from a distance and still be in her life, than trll her and lose her for good...

You were her playboy bestfriend and that was all.

-back to Evie's perspective-

"A vibranium shield. A VIBRANIUM SHIELD HOWARD!!" You scream in excitement and make your way round to hug him.

You both hold onto one another as tightly as you could, without making it too obvious.

You are once again interrupted by someone clearing their throat. You both pull away and see her stood there.

She rounds the table and plants a kiss on Howard's lips. Your heart breaks and you stand wide eyed and pale. Your breath shortening.

As she removes herself from him, she stands next to him and he looks at you with regret. You take a deep breath and breathe a sigh of relief when you notice Steve followed her - he looked as equally shocked.

"Steve, good you're here. Ready to get your proper uniform for the war?" You say as convincingly as you could.

"Of course ma'am"

"Okay so, on those rescue missions you did a couple of weeks ago, Howard and the Colonel said you were rather fond of this" You tap on a metal triangular shield, worn down and beaten.

"Yeah it was more useful than you realise"

"Good. We have something for you. Howard"

Howard raises the shield and secures it on his arm. Steve looks at it with the same amazement as you and Howard. Peggy was oblivious. Obviously.

"It's-its wow. Can I?"

"Of course" Howard hands over the shield.

"It's so light" Steve says in surprise.

"Vibranium. Stronger than steel but its a third of the weight. Best part? It's vibration absorbant." Howard explains. Steve hands the shield back to Howard takes the shield off Steve and secures it on his arm.

"Here I'll show you" you pick up a gun and fire it at the shield. "See completely absorbant and doesn't leave a dent"

You bang the gun down and march out of the room. "Come to my lab for your uniform when you're ready Captain."

Everyone was stood around in shock, except Steve. He knew exactly what that was about. He looks empathetically at Howard, before turning to follow you.

He opens your door and sees you pacing. He turns to make sure no one was following him, before coming in and closing the door behind him, just watching you.

"Stop giving me that look Rogers."

"You haven't looked at me Evie, how do you know what look I'm giving you?"

"It's that sympathetic look you give. Furrowed brows, slightly pursed lips. The kind of look that says you understand my pain, thoughts, fears but believe I should have gone about it a different way. And I do not appreciate that judgement right now"

Steve let's out a little chuckle.

"Evie. Just tell him." Steve says calmly.

"Are you insane. He's a notorious playboy. Yet he is dating PEGGY FUCKING CARTER, Steve!"

He takes a deep breathe and then you're both interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in" You shout.

"Excuse me Miss Miller, Captain. I've found that Sargeant you asked me to chase up"

You stop in your tracks and look at Steve, who has gone pale, locking his eyes on the person at the door. You extend your arm to the person.

"Give me your findings, immediately."

"Here Miss. You should know there are reports that his platoon went missing when on a mission taking down a Hydra base."

"Where was they?"

You glance over the paperwork he gave you, Steve shoots you a look of concern. You realise there wasn't a response and you look up.

"I said where was they?"

"Austria ma'am" He says sheepishly.

"Well then young man. Please organise what we require to get us all to Austria and contact Colonel Asher. I believe he has a base we would be able to stay on" you say directly.

"Yes ma'am" the young man runs off and Steve looks at you dumbfounded as you continue to read the documents you were given.

"Evie, wh-what are you doing?"

You look up confused "What? We are going to save Bucky of course."

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