20 - The Wait

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"Come on Evie don't give me the silent treatment" Colonel Asher pleads.

"Colonel, with all due respect, please just stop. I'm waiting for them, I will deal with you and Howard later." You reply sternly but stayed focused on the view, waiting for any sign of them returning.

It was a long, numb wait. As hours passed by, nothing happened. You were worried, panicked and scared, your palms were sweaty, throat felt like you were swallowing razor blades.

"At least drink" Colonel spoke behind you.

As you glanced over your shoulder, you saw him holding a canteen towards you. You smiled, shook your head and took it from him.

Taking a large sip, you could feel the cold liquid coursing down your throat, through your chest and it relieved the pain you were feeling in your throat.

"Thank you Marcus"

"Well I've not heard anyone call me that for years. Thank you Evie, Colonel was getting a little boring."

You giggle but then sigh, becoming fidgety.

"They'll be back any minute Evie, you and Howard picked a strong, determined man, he will do this."

You turn to face him and smile "thank you. I hope you're ri-"

You're cut off by an explosion in the distance, then you hear rapid gun fire, shouting and see people fleeing towards you, but it weren't your men.

You pick up your rifle, alongside the Colonel as you both edge out of the plane to ensure no one stole it.

Once you identified them as Hydra agents, you looked at Colonel Asher, who gave you a chilling nod, as he opened fire. Which was returned back to him.

You watched carefully at those who were firing, they were being used to distract you both from the ones circling the plane. They didnt catch onto you.

One fire.

Two fire.

Three fire.

You killed 3 men in a split second, making their way towards you, you were shaking but you were pumped once again with adrenaline.

Then someone grabs you from behind, hooking a gun around your neck. You panic at first, trying to squirm away, which obviously didn't work.

"Evelyn!" You hear a shout. "DUCK LEFT"

You follow the instructions, ducking your head towards the left and leaning your head forwards. One shot and you felt the warm splatter of blood hit your face and neck, with a thud from the body hitting the floor.

You turn picking up a smaller weapon, their hand guns. Instantly shooting Hydra agents entering the plane.

Marching forwards, arms outstretched you gave yourself deja vu of the night with your father, shooting a couple in the kneecaps, to immobilise them.

You knew you'd need some kind of Intel, so it was the easiest way.

"Really? Kneecaps?" Colonel Asher asks.

"What? They saved us half a job of having to drag them to the plane, they were right there."

"Quite the shot you have"

Your heart skipped a beat at the voice you heard. You turn, wide smile beaming on your face.


"It's Steve to you."

You give him a tight hug and see a familiar face stood behind him. Rugged dark brown hair, piercing ocean blue eyes, and a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts.

You let go of Steve and flash him a smirk. Walking towards the other man, you smile, hold out your hand.

"And I'm guessing you are the infamous James Buchanan Barnes."

He smiles, taking your hand, and kissing rhe back of it "to any friends of Steve's, especially this brutal and beautiful, its Bucky."

You can't stop the blush coming over you, but you compose yourself and direct them onto the plane, along with the remaining 107th.

Steve goes on last and he watches you carefully, and as you were about to board the plane, more fire comes.

You duck but, it was coming hard. From every angle and it was determined to stop that plane.


"Tell Howard, he did it. And I'm sorry." Your eyes filling with tears.

Steve looking at you panicked, with even Bucky stepping forward wondering what you were doing.


The Colonel roars the plane into life and you hit an emergency button next to the rear door of the plane that shuts it, and nothing will stop it.

You watch as Steve and Buckys faces disappear behind the door and you scramble to pick up any weapons you could find off the agents.

It was the riskiest thing you'd ever done, but it felt right. You felt like you had to make this sacrifice to allow Steve and Bucky to have their time, for Howard to have his glory and fame and for you to prove to yourself you aren't what your father ever said you were.

It wasnt a choice that was hard to make.

But now the difficulty was, surviving.

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