30 - About Time

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"Hey J. Take us home please." Howard says gently as he gets in the car after getting the door for you.

"Certainly sir." Jarvis politely responds.

You watch Howard carefully and he's on edge. More than usual, fidgeting, clammy and visibly shaking. Then you spot Jarvis looking back at you both more than he usually does too.

What were they up to?

"What's going on?" You blurt out, crossing your arms.

"Nothing nugget, why do you ask?" Howard plays off your question.

His hand was on your thigh, as it always was when you got in the car together. You felt tingles rush through your body and up your spine with every subtle stroke he gave with his thumb.

So you knew exactly how to draw his attention. You swiftly move your leg away from him and cross it over the other. Smirking at Howard as he turns to you in bewilderment.

"Something is going on and I want to know what it is." You demand, looking between Howard and the rear view mirror for Jarvis.

"I er-" you see Howard start to stumble and frantically trying to think of something, anything to say.

"We've arrived sir." Jarvis quickly saves him.

A wide mischievous grin spreads across Howard's face, as he leans forward and kisses your cheek.

"Stay here my darling and you'll soon see what is going on."

He exits the car, closing the door behind him and a minute later your door is opened, with Howard standing proudly next to it, extending his hand for you to take.

You grip onto his hand and allow him to guide you out of the car. This was something he had obviously planned, so best let him play it out, for your sanity.

"Now close your eyes." Howard instructs, giddily.


"Please Evie. Please." He says in a desperate tone.

You sigh and comply, closing your eyes. You feel Howard's hand covering your eyes to be sure and the other is wrapped around your waist, escorting you into the mansion. You hear the doors open ahead of you and the familiar clacking of your heels on the tiled flooring in the foyer, as the doors bang closed behind you.

Howard removes his hands from you. "Keep them closed Evie."

"Would you hurry up Howard. You know I'm too curious for my own good."

You hear a lot of scurrying, faffing and rustling. There was a new smell and aroma in the air too, but you couldn't quite put your finger on the scent engulfing the foyer, it was familiar and you liked it but your mind couldn't place it.

"Okay, open."

You flicker your eyes open, adjusting from the dark into the light of the room... except it didn't take too long as the light in the room was so subtle, elegant and like a fairytale.

Everywhere in yo sight had been covered with candles. A single pathway was made towad the staircase which Howard was stood in front of, sporting a gorgeous black tuxedo, bow tie and his signature grin.

Your vision was getting blurred by the tears pooling in your eyes, as you blinked a couple away you noticed where the smell came from.


Dozens of bunches of sunflowers, mixture of normal and black sunflowers. Your favourite flower. You gasp, covering your mouth with your hands, the tears falling freely, as you wore a genuinely happy smile.

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