34 - I'm Sorry, WHAT?

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You were in a blissful daze, but you quickly propped yourself up on your elbows when you heard Howard utter those two words, that one question, you didn't know if you felt excited or scared.

"Wha-what did you just ask me?" You panic, your face showed the panic too.

Seeing the look on your face, makes Howard's face fall, instantly.

"Howard, no. Please." You become frantic trying to keep hold of him but he shimmes out of your grasp, standing up and running his hand down his face.

"Howard, please" You break out into a sob.

He had his back turned to you, one hand on his hip the other on his face, then his head falls and you see him shake it. You could almost hear the disbelieving thoughts filling his mind.

You stand and walk towards him, slowly. Placing a hand on his shoulder, you watch him catch a breath with your touch.

The hand you placed on him, just instinctively happened to be your left one. Howard seized the opportunity, he grabbed onto your hand and turned to face you.

Tears flooded your face and he was visibly panicked.

"What's making you so upset, that I want to marry you or that you don't want to marry me?" Howard spits out, dropping your hand, turning away from you once more. As he paced in front of you.

"Howard Anthony Walter Stark." You manage to shout in between sniffles.

He stops and looks at you with a smirk "there's my Evelyn."

"Why?" You whisper.

He furrows his brows, stopping to confirm he heard you correctly. One arm crossed against his chest and the other leaning on it as he nervously bit his thumb nail.

"Why, Howard?" You ask again.

"Please my darling tell me you're not seriously asking me why I want to marry you?"

"Yes I am. So answer it."

He scoffs, running his hands through his hair. You were watching him bubble, the anger was brewing from the pits of his dtomach and it was like waiting for a volcano to erupt.

"BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU." He roars at you.

There it was.

"You've been my bestfriend for years, I know every look, every sigh, every twitch, every single part of you I know like the back of my hand. You helped me build an empire, never leaving my side no matter how difficult, arrogant or anal I became." He was spitting every word out with anger.

You just stood watching, listening. There was a lot of anger but you heard the love in the words.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with the one person I cannot imagine my life without. You are the only constant I have Evelyn. You always have been. You set me straight, you put me in my place, you force me down the pedestal I relentlessly try putting myself on."

You were still intently listening.

"The question shouldn't be why I want to marry you. The question is why don't you want to marry me. Because if you don't feel for me as I do for you, then there is really no point continuing. So I will ask you again."

He pulls out a ring box from his pocket and gets down on one knee, opening it to show the most beautiful ring you had ever seen.

It was custom made. It was intertwining vines, with yellow and black diamonds dotted along the gold vines circling to a large black diamond.

It was you all over.

Your eyes well up and you gasped the second you laid eyes on it.

"Evelyn Lois Miller, we've been through some trying times, we've fought, we've made up, we've grow together and we've finally made it together. But my god, I've loved you since the minute you gave your dad what for the day they tried marrying you off to me after one meeting. I knew then, that the fiesty, beautiful, independent woman stood before me would make me the happiest man alive. So, would you do me that honour and marry me?" Howard spoke softly.

You can't contain the smile, you were the happiest you'd ever felt.

You pull him up to you by his forearms and crash down onto him, desperately, the wetness of your lips and the tears falling, making the kiss sloppy.

"Of course I'll marry you." You giggle out.

He effortlessly slides the ring onto your ring finger and grabs you by the waist holding you to him.

You steadily walk backwards and you're once again lying on the bed with Howard placed between your legs.

"I love you, nugget."

"and I love you, my lucky charm." You smile as he leans down again capturing you in a love fuelled kiss.

As your lost in wetness and heat of the kiss, you reach down and unbutton his shirt, pull it free from his trousers and reaching behind his back to pull it free from behind. You push it off him, he pulls away for a second to take it off, throwing it to the floor.

As he leans back down he grabs onto one of your hips, holding you in place as he delved into the crevice of your neck near your collarbone. Your sweet spot.

He knew it was your weak spot that didn't require any undressing. You moan, throwing your head to the side, as you squirmed beneath him. His touch, his lips, feeling his breath against your neck, made you wet without him having to touch you intimately.

The power he had over you was captivating.

You felt him pull your night dress up, balling it into his hand as it reached the hem. He let out a satisfied moan as he sat up, pulling you with him and lifting the dress off you, exposing your lack of bra and only in a pair of laced underwear.

"Oh, my girl." He moaned out.

"Get over here." You whisper out.

In a split second he had pushed you back down and had taken one of your breasts into his warm mouth. Teasing your nipple, flicking it with his tongue and as he sucked on your tit, he tugged on your nipple with his teeth as he changed from one tit to the next. Repeating the same technique, sending you into a orgasmic spiral.

You were desperate for him, you need to feel him inside you.

You let out a frustrated moan as you arched your back and Howard raises his head from your chest and smirked.

"Easy my darling, I'm going to enjoy every part of you. Slowly."

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