31 - Straight into the Fire

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It's been a week since Peggy was outed for activating Bucky and causing him to try and kill Steve.

She's been arrested and is being held in custody until an agreement between law enforcement and SHIELD can be met.

"You're not going." Howard spits out.

"He's right Evie. You're insane." Bucky speaks up, frustrated.

Steve places a comforting hand on buckys shoulder as Bucky leans over, gripping onto the back of a chair, digging his fingers into the wood.

"Buck. Hey. Breathe." Steve whispers to Bucky as he leans down, wrapping his arm around him and placing the other on his shoulder. Bucky looks up and as soon as he looks at Steve there was that glisten, his eyes shone brighter, you could see the tension and every worry of Bucky's leave his body.

Steve was the calm to Buckys inner storm and it was a privilege to witness.

"Bucky, I know it doesn't make sense. But, this isn't something I want to do, I've been asked to this." You huff out, completely done with their attitude.

All three men whip their heads up, all fashioning the same dopey, confused faces. Slightly widen eyes, furrowed brows and the exact same wrinkles in their foreheads.

Steve and Howard even simultaneously stood up straight and placed their hands on their hips.

"Say that again." Howard asks.

"You heard me. Look, I don't want to see her anymore than any of you want me to see her, but apparently I am an asset that can pull information from her." You were just as confused.

Your were being animated with your hands and arms, running your slightly clammy hands through your hair as you paced.

"Who-what?" Howard started spluttering syllables out.

Steve took a step forwards after pondering the situation in silence for a few minutes.

"Who's asked you to do this?"



"She's quiet, until they touch the topic of me and she has "outbursts"".

"Okay... what do you need to do?"

"An hour visit. Separated by glass. Ask her why, aggravate her. Make her lose her mind enough she blurts out how, why she did it and what she was hoping to achieve."

"And why do they need this information Evelyn?"

"It's partially to determine the charge she will get and also who actually deals with her. SHIELD, law enforcement or both."

He sighs, nodding as he smiles at you. "Satisifed now you two?" He asks as he turns on his spot facing a gawking Bucky and Howard.

You can't help but laugh. Steve turns back towards you, looking carefully at you.

"If you go. I drive you. Not these two morons or even Jarvis, I take you or you don't go."

You squint your eyes at Steve as you cross your arms, weighing up the offer in your head. "Deal."

"When do you need to go?"

"Not for a couple of weeks, they don't want her to think it's a tactical thing and she knows me, she knows I simmer on things like this until I explode."

"Smart. This is definitely more SHIELD's idea than the government." Steve smirks.

"Says Captain America." You wink.

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