13 - Unwanted House Guest

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“What, can’t a father pay a visit to his daughter?” Your smug overbearing father said as he barged past you.

“Normal fathers can, you? You don’t have a a daughter. I just so happen to share a genetic makeup with you.”

“Oh I am aware you do. It’s my biggest regret.”

“Well thank you for that, you can leave now’ you were still holding the door open, waiting for him to take the hint and get out.

But instead he turns, with a stomach curdling grin on his face. “I notice that Stark isn’t around at the minute. Did he also get sick of your rebellious attitude?”

“That stopped being your business the day I left that hell, you labelled my home. Leaving behind you and my supposed mother. What do you want Charles?”

“Your failures of course. Only reason you’d be back here instead of with your beloved Stark arm candy is because you’ve failed or he’s had enough of you and I just had to have a front seat to this spectacular fall from grace, Evelyn.”

“Don’t you speak my name. You could not be more wrong if you tried. You know nothing of me, of Howard, our relationship” you were getting angry so stepped away from the door ad was walking towards the man you once called dad.

He was 6ft, beer bellied, slicked back neck long hair, jet black with a messy beard. As always wearing a crinkled suit that was slightly baggy on him and a stain shirt – the kind of stains that have been attempted to be cleaned but just couldn’t get out.

Your father always tried to dress sophisticated thinking he could fit in with the “right” people, but everyone saw through the façade. Except your mother. The closer you got the more potent the cigarette and whiskey stench on his clothes and breathe hit you.

“You gave up any right to know about my life, the day you tried marrying me off to anyone. Then disowning me when I went off to make a life for myself instead. So, you can get the hell out of my house, why I am here is nothing to do with you and if you don’t leave I will be sure to call the police since you’re obviously stalking me to even know I don’t normally come here.”

“DON’T YOU THREATEN ME GIRL. You would do well to remember where you came from. If it weren’t for me, you’d never known Stark, you wouldn’t have this life. You should be thanking me!”

“The only thing I thank you for is the peace and quiet you’ve given me over the years by leaving me the fuck alone. You dead-beat, alcoholic, good for nothing asshole.”

Before you realise what had even happened, your father had backhanded you across your face, blindsiding you and knocking you to the side and falling over a small end table.

Your vision had become slightly blurred from the impact and your eyes watering, but you could just make out the outline of his figure bent over you.

“You’ve had that coming for a long time girl.”

You see the outline of his arm raising again to come down on you once more, but then you hear your door bang open and see someone tackle your father to ground, pummelling into his face.

“Get your pathetic ass out of here before I throw you through the window Charles.”

You whipped your head up, there was only one person who knew who your father was and where you lived, but your mind couldn’t process that he was actually there.

“Oh please, you couldn’t throw yourself through the window. Look at you.”

You hear a bang and a crash and see your father gripped by the scruff of his shirt – déjà vu hit you to the day in the foyer.

It was Howard.

Your best friend.

“When it comes to her, don’t ever doubt my capabilities to hurt those who hurt her. Get the fuck out and don’t let me ever see you here again."

You see him throw him out the front door and slam the door before locking it. You finally manage to sit up, but your instantly grip your head as it starts pounding.


“Nugget, hey, hey take it easy. Let me see if you’ve got any ice or something to get on that eye”.

After a few minutes, Howard is in front of you with a glass of water and a cold damp cloth. “Here, it’s not the best but it’ll do for now to get ahead of the bruise you’re going to get.”

“Howard, I’m-“ you croak out before he cuts you off.

“Don’t you dare apologise to me. I’ve been an arse, as of tomorrow we are doing what we had planned for Steve. He will do one last presentation - only cause there are some investors there to keep funding the development of the serum but that is it. I’ve informed Peggy, Shield and all personnel you contacted the other day have been updated.”

You go wide eyed at the last part “you knew?”

“Of course I knew. I don’t call you my best friend for the fun of it Evelyn, I know you better than you give me credit for.”

He strokes a piece of hair from your face and you both smile at each other, his head stops and rests cupping the side of your face that wasn’t injured, slightly stroking your cheek.

“Thank you for being here when I needed you. You really are my lucky charm. But what was you doing here anyway?”

“I couldn’t sleep, I can’t sleep when you’re not there. You know this, when you go away on assignment for the company, I don’t sleep a wink till you’re home.”
You smile and chuckle a little.

“So, I came to apologise and fix it, so you would come home. I hate this, I hate us fighting as it is. But this long? Evie it’s been a lifetime and I can’t handle it anymore. Please can you forgive me?!”

You see his eyes were glazed over, he had large black rings under his eyes, he was looking drained and pale. He was really suffering and you had only just noticed. The thought that you didn’t notice he was in pain this much knocked you sick.

You smile widely at him and pull him into a tight hug, which he instantly reciprocates, burying your heads into each others necks, you feel you both let out a sigh of relief and the tensions from one another release as you comfort one another.

“Soooooo, am I off the hook?”

You can’t help but laugh, before pulling out of the hug “not by a long shot Stark, but it’s a start. Just please don’t keep anything else from me. Please?”

“Of course not, there are some others things we need to talk about in that case, but. For tonight can we just go home and pretend none of this happened please?”

You look at him carefully, your inner-stubbornness was begging to come out and demand to know what else he could have possibly done.

But you resisted, smiled and nodded.

Howard beamed back in response and hooked his arm round you and took you to the car.

“Miss Miller” Jarvis speaks with pure joy.

“Jarvis, I’m so sorry” you pull him into a tight hug and he returns it back, before opening the door for you to get in the car. As you slide in, Howard slides next to you and you rest your head on his shoulder.

“Take us home please, Jarvis”.

"Gladly sir”.

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