14 - Fresh Start?

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Jarvis drops you both home.

As you walk into the large foyer of Howard's mansion, you're reminded of the first time you ever came to visit Howard. You start chuckling to yourself and Howard stops in his tracks and furrows his brows at you.

"Evie darling, you okay?"

"Yep,  perfectly fine. Just thinking of the first time I ever came here is all"

You look up at him and see him wince at the mere thought of it, making you burst into a hard laughter.  He covers his face with his hand and hangs his head, laughing to himself.

"It's a good job you knew me a little before that meeting otherwise I'd of never saw you again"

You walk up to him and gently place your hand on his chest, dipping your head to meet his eyes "I'm not scared off that easy lucky charm, you were far too intriguing for me to walk away"

A small smile creeps onto Howard's face as he places his hand on top of yours, brushing over the top of your hand with his thumb as you locked eyes and for a brief moment you felt yourself lean towards him, with your eyes flicking to his lips. Something you've never consciously done, but this time you paid particular attention.

*clears throat* "Apologises Mr Stark, Miss Miller, but we have a situation at the headquarters."

You dip your head and shake it slightly - work always came first with your friendship, it was something you were used to with Howard, but you couldn't ignore the tightening in your stomach and the pang your heart made when you heard Jarvis' voice from the other room.

"Is it life or death J?" Howard responds, making you whip your head up and see that Howard hasn't taken his eyes off you and he was smiling at you, quite adoringly. A smile you hadn't seen before.

"No sir, it's Agent Carter on the phone" you instantly roll your eyes and go to walk away. You were just out of view of Jarvis when your wrist is gripped and you're pulled into Howard.

Crashing right into his chest, he loops an arm round the back of your waist and pulls you into him, taking a couple of extra steps backwards to ensure you were both out of view. He gazes down at you, smiling as he cupps your face with his free hand. Your mouth was dry, heart was racing and your mind was overrun with thoughts, but in that moment, it felt right. Safe. Real.

"Tell Agent Carter it can wait for a couple of days. Please advise her and Captain Rogers that me and Miss Miller are having a few days off until the last propaganda show. Once you've done that, you, yourself are relieved of duties for the same time period J, see yourself out and enjoy it"

You couldn't stop your mouth falling ajar, your eyes frantically flicking between his searching for confirmation. Was he serious? Is this actually happening? Why is he doing this?

"Very good sir. Goodbye and have fun" you smirked and rested your forehead against Howard's chest, as you could practically hear Jarvis' smirk. He knew, he knew exactly what was going on.


"Please, just-"

You watch him carefully, as he leans down and presses his lips against yours, demanding yet passionate. At first you could feel how tense you both were, but as he pulled away and looked into his deep chocolate brown eyes, his looking right back both of you begging to know if you felt the same thing.

You smirk, lifting your hand and cupping the back of his neck pulling him down and without hesitation he comes crashing back down onto your lips. Both of his hands cupping your face holding you against him, as the kiss deepened, delicate moans escaping you both.

As you once again parted, you rested your foreheads against one another, both catching your breaths and chuckling. Howard gently strokes your cheek then along your bottom lip, placing a gentle kiss against the corner of your mouth.

He reaches down and wraps his arms around your waist, holding you tighter than you've ever felt him hold you. You wrap your arms around his neck and smile to yourself. You never really thought of him that way before, but once the thought was let in, you couldn't understand how you ever thought of him as just your best friend.

You pull out of the hug, but Howard keeps a firm grip on your waist, as he watches you, eyes completely fixed on you with admiration filling them.

"I'm going to need an explanation Stark?" You raise your eyebrows, smirking.

"Nugget, you know how I feel about you calling me that" he pulls you closer, making you jolt forwards and laugh, knowing you hit the nerve you wanted to.

"Come on, seriously. What is this? Am I to experience the first time i was here for real this time?"

You watch as Howard's face falls and he lets go and takes a step back. Your stomach drops and you feel physically sick, you've always teased him about that day but as turned his back to you, you felt immediate regret. You look at your feet, gathering all the courage to speak, you suddenly become shy and timid in his company.

You lift your head and place one foot in front of the other, as you go to move Howard is already in front of you, once again cupping your face and stroking your cheeks.

As you look closer, you see the tears pooling in his eyes, your stomach completely twists, you gulp and hold onto his wrists, desperate to not let him go.

"Evelyn Lois Miller, you are worth so much more than any kind of material gesture that I can possibly offer you. You are the most capable, fierce, beautiful and kind-hearted person I've ever met and I've had the upmost luck of being your best friend for the last few years. But, I can't ignore what my gut is telling me anymore."

You furrow your brows, you were now scared for what was coming next, "Howard?"

"I'm in love with you Evelyn. Completely and wholeheartedly in love with you. I know you won't believe me, especially with what you saw in the lab the other day. But I will do everything and anything in my power to prove it to you. I can't go another day without telling you, I couldn't bare fighting with you, watching you walk in and out of that building every day with Steve on your arm, knowing he was making you laugh, smile, creating inside jokes with you, just being near you" he strokes your hair and you close your eyes, leaning into his touch and letting a single tear fall, which is quickly wiped by Howard.

You lean in for another kiss and as you pull away, Howard smirks at you. "Time to wake up Nugget".

You look at him confused and realise you're at the top of the stairs, you look back at Howard and he gives you a stomach curdling smile before pushing you backwards, the sheer fear of falling jolts you awake.

You are immediately met with a piercing pain in the front of your head, causing you to clutch it wincing in pain, as you blink your eyes open a few times you realise you are still in your apartment.

"I knew it was too good to be true...  ah well at least a girl can dream".

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