1. His Mysterious Neighbor

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Roronoa Zoro, a second year highschool student. 19 years old.

Nico Robin, second year highschool student, ???? Who knows..


A loud noise coming from an alarm,
a person uncomfortably shifting in bed, groaning, they lazily roam their hand around the alarm as they finally turned it off, realising someone opened the curtain, brightness rushes through their relentlessly cold grey eyes, annoyed, they got up from bed and stood in front of the window, they ruffle their soft green hair wanting to stay awake. Noticed, they close the zipper on their jacket, there was quite the breeze.

They pulled a towel from the drawer, after taking a small shower, changing their clothes to their school uniform, fixing their hair though they didn't want to.. Brushing their teeth cause they forgot, going downstairs for breakfast.

Roronoa Zoro.

The green haired man saw his father sitting on the couch reading a horror novel while taking a sip of his coffee, having yellow (?) Hawk eyes, black and silky hair, and a small beard, Mihawk, Also known as the Hawkeye Mihawk in his school days, he's known for his skills in Kendo. He was the strongest,
Zoro inspired by his father, wanted to be like him, but that was when he was a kid, he matured now, he's in a music Band. Temporarily.

"Zoro? Why are you wearing your school uniform?"

Zoro was confused he looked at the date and saw that today was the first day of summer break. He face palmed himself as he went back to change into casual clothes, a plain white T-shirt and Navy Blue jeans with plain Converse shoes, he didn't care about style. He checked what was left in the fridge so that he could make breakfast for him and Mihawk.

"Oh, right. Zoro, I wanted to say that I'm heading off early to work today, so just Cook me a meal that's easy to swallow on my way there."

"A sandwich coming right up. It won't be hard for you to stop-by near MoonBucks to buy a drink on your way."

Mihawk sighed as he went to prepare himself for work.
Zoro was preparing casual bacon and eggs with toast for himself, while Mihawk's sandwich was wrapped in sandwich-paper and done with. Zoro wasn't allowed to drink until he's twenty-one; rule set by his father, so he got himself an energy drink from the fridge and started eating.

Mihawk walked into the kitchen for the Sandwich, realising that he should've eaten breakfast at home since Zoro wrapped him PB&J.

"It tastes good with mocha"


"I'm honest, I even tried it myself."

"Well, whatever. I'm leaving. Oh, and I'm working overtime. Don't forget to go to your part-time job Zoro. Even though you're too young to be working in a bar, I don't know how you did it, but no drinking."

"I won't dad, I'm all good. Even if I did drink I'd be straight out fired. Besides I'm just a part-time bartender."

"Just you know they got you for your looks."

"I know. I don't really care."

"Alright then. Goodbye."


Mihawk left as he gently closed the door, didn't want to cause loud noise. He isn't a Fan. Zoro was thinking about when "she" will wake up, she always oversleeps when there are school breaks, he decided to check up on her, he went upstairs to do so.

Her room was right next to his.. "Perona" written on the small board stuck on the door.

The man knocked but there was no answer, he decided to go back saying to himself that she was asleep, Perona is really scary to Zoro so he didn't want to go in..

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