9. A Purple Painting

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Awkward silence flew by as the two were sitting next to each other, all was heard is the sound of the clicking keyboard doing a research--as curious as the mosshead may be, he wouldn't ask Robin about "Inevitable Zero" so easily.. Since he felt the atmosphere being a bit uneasy.

She remained quiet enjoying the view in front of her, staring at the bright blue sky, he glanced at the Raven going deep into her tragic Ocean Orbs, she was thinking of her days with the "Inevitable Zero", but her mind wasn't clear. She needed a break, so she thought of getting distracted, looking at the side where the Lime haired man is sitting, she notices him looking right at her, but he didn't look away.

"Hey.. You alright?" He asked, in which Robin replied to with a nod and a smile, he knew all too well that those were fake but, he remains composed. "..if you say so. I can see you off back to your home if you're bored, you know." Zoro said putting is bottle of juice on the table. "Oh, I didn't notice you were drinking." She smiled while fixing her seating position to make it more comfortable while talking to Zoro. "It's fresh Apple Juice. Wanna give it a try?" He offered which Robin was confused to, she chuckled knowing what it would mean. "Is it alright if I use the straw?" Robin asked, the straw is the same straw he was drinking from, which was why she asked, making sure that he knows what he's offering. "Yeah, it's cool." He replied while clicking a site in his laptop.

Robin took the Bottle and the Straw with no hesitation then, she took a small sip and after thinking about it a bit... "It's not bad, I expected it to be sweet. Rather, it has the perfect amount of sweetness that it's not too sweet or bitter." She said giving him the bottle. "It's one of the things I like about it. It doesn't have a lot of sugar like the ones you normally see in a grocery store, they're from a foreign country the old man once went to and brought back as a gift." Zoro said before he casually took a sip from the apple juice. At that moment, she knew.. He had no clue about anything "like that". " I see, well.. Is that foreign country perhaps Canada?" Asked Robin. "I guess so, it's written on the bottle, let me see." He closed the bottle so that he would be able to check it up without spilling, Robin placed her hand around her jaw while she rested her entire arm on the arm-rester of the couch and smiled. 'How cute.. He's bothering to search for it, he looks like he's trying hard even though it's shown in the lid. Fufu..' She thought to herself.

"Man, I can't seem to find it!" He says reading every corner of the wrapper. "Try checking the lid, it's actually rare for it to be found on the lid, but how about giving it a try?" The green haired opened the bottle and checked the lid. "Canada.." He read out, "oh, it seems that I was correct." Zoro agreed with Robin. "Be careful not to spill it on your laptop, now." Zoro nodded and placed the bottle on the table and kept searching. Robin was wondering why it's taking him so long to search about him, she took a small peek at his laptop, just to see him playing a game.
Zoro heard her laughing, he couldn't look at her because he is currently in an online game. "What is it?" He asked unable to look at her, "oh, nothing, I thought you were still searching about that man." Robin answered.
"That? Well, I left it for later. It's not that important anyway, besides, this isn't homework." He replied blasting off an enemy with a Blonde, hot tempered, teenage boy, who has red eyes and keeps blowing things up with his hands-character.

Robin smiled before she received a vibration from her phone, it was Nami saying that she was bored and wondered if Robin could play games with her or hangout. Of course, she greeted her first and had a small chat, however, Robin was thinking of this, Zoro? Or Nami? Since Zoro is gaming, she thought of going to Nami. She gently got up from her seat and patted her pants, "well, I'll be leaving now." Zoro looked at her in questioned, "you're.. Leaving?" She nodded, "so soon?" She looked at him in a quizzical way, "Is there.. A problem?" She asked not knowing why Zoro reacted like that. "It's just that you just visited, I don't know why though" he muttered at the end. She stood there dumbfounded, she thought about it a bit more until she realised. 'He doesn't want me to leave..?' She thought to herself, it was shocking, but it wasn't confirmed. "Well, Nami called and you seemed to be having fun with your game, so I thought I'd go hang out with her for a while. She's bored too." Robin smiled. "Oh. Want me to see you off?" Robin nodded, "I don't see why not." She smiled.

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