10. A Day

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Soft guitar music was heard through the entire house of Zoro, Perona was in her room not bothered by it rather, relaxed. The music was heard till near their neighbor, Robin. Since her window was open, she was able to hear him gracefully play with his guitar, she smiled as she was reading a book on her bed, reminding her of her mother who used to play her songs with her own guitar in a field near their old house, the more she listens to Zoro the more she misses her family but she kept that feeling hidden, she wanted to think about something else. She doesn't want to feel negative like that anymore, she closed her book and sighed while looking at the clock on her wall near the desk, since it was 11:00 am, she thought of going to a library, there were a few novels which piqued her interest last time and she'd love to see them again. She got herself ready, went out of the house and went to a library which was a few blocks away.

She stepped into the library, her footsteps were easily heard since it was way too quiet. She went to the librarian and showed her a paper with the list of books she likes. The librarian told her to go to the second floor on section E-5a and E-5b, she went on the stairs and immediately found the sections, she saw an orange haired girl with tears reading a book on a close by table, Robin noticed that it was one of the books she was looking for. 'well, If that is the case then I'll save it for later.' She thought to herself as she went to the shelves to find the other books. As soon as she found them all, she carried them and sat near the Tangerine's table. "If you're here then you might as well sit next to me. Hmph." She scoffed as she continued with her teary eyes reading the Novel. "Well, I'm not going to do so, but you're free to sit next to me." Smiled the Raven before she randomly picked one of the books she brought from the shelves. Nami snuck right next to Robin without giving any sound and continued reading the novel.


After an hour later, Nami took her leave. Robin was left alone so she decided to listen to music, she thought of putting a song that fits as a background music for the novel she's currently reading. A historical adventurous story about a kid who was lost in time, a boy from that timeline helps the kid out to return back home to their family who are probably worried about them, and so the kid and the boy face several problems as they get closer to the kid's home, its title was a bit confusing but it's called, "𝘽𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙".

She kept reading until she checked the time, "3:00pm" she packed her stuff back into her bag and returned the books. She walked back home, on her way back, she thought of stopping by the grocery store since she was running out. She entered which caused a ringing bell right above the door. The cashier looked up from their seat. "Hello! Welcome!" Greeted the Cashier, Robin smiled and went to the isles and checked the list she had prepared beforehand. After a while she came back to the cashier, she put the items on the counter and waited. She noticed the name card on the cashier, "Olivia Watkins". She looked away in silence wanting to move on from what has happened. "Are you a high school student?" Asked Olivia, Robin nodded as she smiled softly. 'She looks quite mature I almost mistook her for a businesswoman..' Thought the Cashier while Checking-out Robin's items, she put them in two bags, recyclable ones. Robin carried both as she paid the cashier and quietly left the store. When she reached home she placed the bags down to open the door with her key. She went inside with the bags and placed her backpack near her bed then washed her hands and started to prepare lunch. "I got carried away with the novels" muttered Robin as she only prepared a sandwich and a cup of coffee for lunch.

She had quite the peaceful time while reading the novels she had at home while eating her lunch, she thought of getting a break from books, so she turned on the TV for a show she's hoping to get distracted with a bit. A while passed but nothing piqued her interest, she'd already finished her meal and she's just searching for something interesting.. Until she ran into a channel where a band is performing, not any band, it was the Straw Hats. Her eyes were now glued to the TV, noticing that they said this was a performance from around a year ago, "Those little Rockstars.." she smiled as she got up and turned off the TV, she went upstairs to her Room to get a small break, noticing that she stepped on a bug that causes a terrible smell when killed, she opened the window with one hand while the other is covering her mouth and nose. Surprisingly, the lime wasn't in his room, she shook it off and went back inside sitting on her Chair to work on her desk. She started to write something on a letter while having an envelope near her, she finished and then placed it inside one of her drawers, she checked the time 4:45pm.

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