2. Musical

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The gang went to the garage to practice, Zoro was the right hand guitarist, he uses an electric guitar, he can use any instrument as long as it has strings, violin included. Luffy was the lead singer, and the lead guitarist: Zoro, Luffy isn't as good as Zoro with a guitar, but is better than him in singing.
Sanji Was the drummer, Brook was the left hand guitarist,though he prefers to play with a violin. Nami uses the electric piano, though she can use any piano, classical included. Chopper is the song-writer, whenever he was bored he would teach Zoro a few about writing a song.

Franky was the one who manages the background music and edits it all. You can say he's the crew's personal DJ.
[A/N: I forgot what you call them...]

Usopp is in charge of their Instruments, he can fix them with no problem, he came up with their Logo too. He also works with Chopper by Editing the Lyrics. He Plays an important role. He can also be a substitute for one of them if they were to be busy or anything similar to it, since he can play any instrument. However, can't sing.

"Three, two, one, go!!" Said Luffy as Sanji was Preparing his drum sticks.

The entire crew started playing, Luffy was known for his recklessness through music and his inspiration by Roger, people say that he looked just like Roger with that hat. Little did they know that this hat was Roger's passed on to a red haired man, then to Luffy.
He is loved all around the world, the crew wears masks in their performances, so no one would know their actual faces.
They even hide their real name,
Luffy; strawhat, Zoro; Mossball (Sanji's doing) Nami; Cat Leaper, Sanji; Black suit. On and on they go.

Whenever the crew plays, practice or not.. They always go all out no matter the cost, they play their music for themselves.


The gang finished practicing, they went back in for some snacks and break.
Garp bought some drinks as he prepared lunch, Sanji helped him with lunch since he's an excellent cook.

All of them started eating one by one, the first to finish was unexpectedly Zoro, normally Luffy always finishes ahead of him. The green haired man took his energy drink and went upstairs to the balcony for some fresh air. Nami noticed his behaviour, since she finished after luffy, she went to check up on him.



"Why are you all distracted..?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Zoro I know it's about a woman. You can't trick me."

"Okay fine, it's about a woman, but not like that."

"Are you for real..?"

"Yeah.. in fact, I don't trust her. At all."

Nami was confused as to what he was saying.

'He seems serious..'

"So what does she look like? Oh! More like what's her name?"

"Her name is Robin. Nico Robin."

"Wait that's!- I mean.. that's weird.. she seems awfully familiar"

"Does she? I'm not so sure about that.."

The two eventually got interrupted by Sanji, who was searching for Nami.
Zoro got attacked by the jealous man but survived and managed to go through the mess, Then it was time for the gang to leave.

Nami and Sanji dropped off Usopp and Chopper as they went their separate ways. Franky and Brook went ahead, Zoro opened his phone in search of his GPS app, when he found it, he started walking back home, though it really was a long way back he didn't mind.

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