23. Driving to The Airport

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Robin heard heavy breathing, breathing? She crossed her arms again and rapidly switched her position, seeing the person behind her. He was still breathing heavily, covered in sweat.

"...What the hell? Robin?"


That voice, is that.. Zoro? I can't see much in the dark, but I can hear his heavy breathing, and his voice. I can tell that he came here running, did he hear the bones crack? Most likely. But for him to run this fast and not even get lost is quite surprising.

     He walked closer, looking around the alley. He noticed who they were, they were the drunkards who would occasionally bother his bar and the customers. Well, former bar, now that he has resigned. "Yeah.. They had it coming for them." His comment confused Robin, "What do you mean?" She asked, he took a while to rest from running in less than a split second.

"Well, those guys are rapists. They've been on loose for way too long, you shouldn't forget that this town is basically shit." He shook his head in disappointment, Robin sighed in relief. Which Zoro noticed, "Hm? Why do you sound relieved?" He questioned.

"Well, you see.. I'm kind of used to killing with my devil fruit, but I'm just grateful that I didn't kill drunk men who were out to party out of the blue or anything." Huh? What am I saying? One of them attempted to drug me, no? She sighed to herself.

Zoro laughed at her explanation, which left her bamboozled. "You really are new to this town. You know, the party thing and going in bars to celebrate stuff late at night died out like.. Seven years ago or something. Because of the criminals and all." He elaborated himself, "That makes sense.. It also explains why there's no one outside except for us so late at night." She uttered to herself, which he had heard. Zoro chose to ignore it as he misunderstood what she meant.

After a while, the two continued walking back to the dorms. It was already past curfew so they knew that they'd be screwed. After reaching the gates of Grand Line High, the security guard face-palmed at himself. "Kids nowadays.. Always doing the naughty so late at night." The guard uttered before letting them in through a secret door where they wouldn't be caught. Zoro turned red at his comment and wanted to scold him but Robin shushed the mosshead and continued their way to Going Merry. "I'll be taking a quick shower. And you should take a bath, you reek of sweat, Zoro-kun." She suggested, entering the girls' bath before even letting Zoro reply. He clicked his tongue and entered the boys' bath.

Who does she think she is?! She popped out outta nowhere and she started teasing me as if she's known me since birth! He grumbled, taking off his clothes and putting them in a basket nearby. And, Zoro-kun? Zoro-kun?! Won't she just drop the teasing already?! Sure she's older than me and all but she normally addresses me as Zoro! He took the soap bar and threw a bucket of water on himself.

Women! Such an enigma..

Robin was already in the huge tub, she exhaled what she had held in during the entire time and took her time to relax. His reaction.. Was not what I had expected at all. She refers to back when he saw her use her ability, she plays around with the water before stopping for a bit. He's a kind boy. She stood up with her towel and went back inside. She started drying herself. I expected him to be at least a little mad, that would suit his character a little. Or he could've been disgusted because of the sound of the bones, or uncomfortable with their screams. He's quite unique. And so are the other straw hats. She finished putting her clothes on and went outside.

Zoro got out of the bath at the same time, both had a towel around their neck. She smiled at the lad whom she was ignored by after that, she saw him enter the girls' room and that's where she placed a hand on his shoulder. Not literally. He turned around to see what she was on about, "Zoro, your room is with the boys. Not the girls. If you're lost then come with me." He was annoyed at her teasing but before he could retort she snatched his hand and dragged him to the boys' room. Which was under a huge trapdoor, Zoro pulled back his hand away from Robin and nodded lightly at her before jumping in with out causing any noise. Robin closed the trapdoor and went to her room.

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