10.5: HBD Robin!!!

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It was a silent morning with no birds chirping or flying in the skies, our Raven softly rubbed her eyes as she sat up on her bed, she looked at the clock and noticed that she woke up later than usual, 10:30 am.

She sighed and got out of bed then did her usual routine, she noticed the the moss ball isn't locked up in his room again, she shook it off thinking he's out hanging with the others, going down stairs.. She saw her phone blasting with notifications, her online fans and friends were celebrating her birthday.

February 6th.

Robin's birthday. She noticed that none of the gang or Perona sent anything about her birthday, she didn't mind since she doesn't find her birthday amusing without her parents, she sat on the balcony noticing it's cold. She looked at the sky. 'Hm, it's about to rain.' She thought to herself, she stayed in her house to avoid catching a cold or get sick. She put on earphones and started listening to music after she plugged it into her phone, she felt comfortable and in peace, music, warm tea, books and in her own bed with no distractions or disturbances, though.. Deep in her heart she felt that something was missing, she didn't know what it was, it couldn't let her focus on reading her books nor enjoy her tea, she placed her mug aside and took a last glance at her window, she saw through Zoro's window, he was running round and round with his stuff like he was searching for something. He looked at his window noticing her glance, he turned red and immediately closed his curtains, which earned a chuckle from the Raven herself.

She wondered why he was in panic mode, he wouldn't freak out so easily, what made him feel like that? He can't possibly know it's that day. She never told him, then again there's Nami but, she probably never told Zoro's since she'd like to get the best present for Robin. Therefore, the Raven was confused. She plays it off then went back to her book, after a few minutes she got up from her bed and takes her empty mug then takes a walk all the way to the kitchen, she saw through the kitchen's window, A Lime boy running under the heavy rain at full speed, she could barely even see his green hair. 'What is he doing??' She asked herself.. A notification from her phone was heard all around her house, it was too quiet, the rain clearly excluded. She placed her mug in the sink and went to check it out, it was Nami spamming her phone, Robin noticed her anger through the texts since she didn't reply, then saw a screen of Nami calling her and her Ringtone blasting off, she silenced her phone and answered the call. "Hey! Why didn't you reply to my messages?!"-" well I was"- Nami interrupted her-"well it doesn't matter! Can you come by at my place at 12:00 pm? I really need your help! The rain will be calm after that which is why I requested for such a specific time, please and thanks!!!" Rushed the Tangerine, she immediately ended the call not letting the Raven say anything but sigh, she checked the time, only half an hour left. She prepared herself which took twenty-five minutes since she didn't prepare anything for such a sudden invitation of help. She wore a white turtle neck and a black coat with black leggings, she took her umbrella, the type that can fit in a bag, then placed it in her backpack, she placed other necessities inside her white backpack and checked the weather outside, light shower. She can go to Nami's house walking, it's a few houses away, equal to five minutes, she can still manage to arrive on time.

And so, she left her house after locking the door.


Rumbles and rumbles, loud yelling and running, panic everywhere. "Alright! Listen everyone!" Exclaimed Nami, "Robin is a perfectionist! Which means that she will arrive on time!" Everyone stood in place and listened.

"We only have five minutes exact! Where's freaking Zoro?!" She yelled, "that idiot is probably lost in the neighborhood!" Shouted the blonde as he placed a huge cake on the perfectly designed table, kicking Luffy's mouth-dripping face. Franky took Luffy away and placed him on a chair then gave him lots of meat prepared for situations like this. Brook prepared the music notes, chopper brought the candles, Ussop is preparing the banner, Nami is bringing the confetti, while Zoro is still on his way, a doorbell was heard to the entire house.

"SHIT!!!" Everyone yelled and hid, Nami turned off the lights then brought the piano, "I guess we have to do it without the mosshead!" Exclaimed Sanji bringing his drumsticks, every other strawhat prepared themselves. Then a kick through the door startled them all. "Freaking idiots! What kind of map did you send me! Did you know how many wrong turns it gave me?!" Scolded the mossy teen before being pulled by Nami, "did you buy her a gift?!" She asked, "hell yeah I did! I'm not an idiot!" He replied, "well you are but never mind get your guitar!" She said kicking him away from her sight, Franky quickly closed the door and everyone stood in place, Zoro was soaked but he shook it off and took his guitar.

Another doorbell was heard, Franky pulled a thread which was connected to the door making it open itself, an hourglass 6'2 figure with Raven hair entered the place, confetti was shot by Chopper and Ussop after turning on the lights, shocking the Raven, she then noticed a whole group performancing in front of her, Ussop closed the door behind her the moment she subconsciously walked in, everyone started singing for her.

"𝙃𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝘽𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮, 𝙍𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙣!"

They ended their song, the Raven stared in awe, but when the music stopped she snapped back, she never thought they would ever celebrate her in such a way, the banner was written on, but it looked so rushed she didn't mind, the cake was so beautiful, designed with her signature color, which is her favorite color and green, orange, yellow and red sparkles on it, dripping chocolate from the top, white sugar right above it, and an "18" candle at the top. Everyone looked so tired, expecting a reply from the Raven, they look at her at such excitement. She looked back at them and smiled.

"Thank you."


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