4. Surprise after Surprise

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It was a bit predictable as to who was inside to some of you readers. And it was predictable for me too, it was Our Mature Raven Haired Woman Sitting inside.

The green haired was a bit shocked, but he got in.

"Where are we headed?" Asked the driver,
"To ______ please." Replied the highschooler.

The driver nodded, and Started the engine.

"So you're also going there?" Asked the curious Raven, The green haired Nodded then turned his head to her direction.

"You're going there too?" He asked

"Yes, I have a Friend who missed me for a while." She replied.


He looked at the window yet again waiting to arrive at his destination, while The Raven Haired was Reading a Thin Book and the Driver did nothing but Drive and respect their privacy.

Once they arrived, they both paid for their ride and went ahead.



Zoro Looked at his text messages in Nami's conversation with him, the adress was there, so he was checking it out.

Robin too, checked her phone for the same reason, but is it the same contact..? Who knows. She turned off her phone, she looked to her side, and noticed the green haired man having trouble with directions.

She couldn't help but laugh a little, it didn't go unnoticed to the mosshead which embarrassed him a lot.

"What's so funny?" He asked, she stopped laughing and calmed herself down patiently.

"I didn't say it was funny, but I did think that it was cute." She smiled, The green haired was Flushed up. She noticed his red face, she couldn't help but think That he was the cutest guy she ever met, she had a small blush on her cheeks but That wasn't noticed by The green haired, but what was noticed by him was her Smile.

It was just... different. Unlike seeing her smile out of politeness, or teasing, or any of that, he saw her Truly smile, she unintentionally got him mesmerised.

It felt like they were the only ones in this hated world, but her smile cures all the hate and sadness or any negative emotions within his mind or his heart, he felt his heart beating loudly, his eyes were wide open, while hers were closed while smiling,
The man gulped down calming himself.

This moment lasted a few seconds in reality, but with him, it lasted for an Eternity.

He shook his head snapping himself back to reality. "So where are you heading? Might be close to where I am heading." He asked,
She was confused as to why he asked, but .She still replied.

"Well, My friend told me to meet them here. I don't think they sent me the wrong address, I think I got a bit too early." She said as she smiled Nervously.

Zoro was silent for a while.

"Well, I always come early, But They're the ones coming late this time." He said.

"Are you talking about your band? If so, my situation is quite similar, you see.. my friend wanted to introduce me to her friends who are musicians, and are all in a band. I think you're one of her friends though."

"And why's that?"

"Well, do you Know an Orange haired girl called Nami?"

"Oh, her? Yeah. She's one of- hold on..."

Robin smiled.

Zoro was in shock for a few seconds, he took those seconds to process what was happening.

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