17. Nico Robin

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"So, what would you like to play?"

"A small musical."


"I just wanna see your skills."

"Oh. Okay then. You start first."

Robin insisted that Zoro would start first, and so he did. He started with a simple song, but no singing was in the deal so he didn't open his mouth, Robin noticed that he hit the notes accurately and she knew he is a master at his game, he glanced at her and she took it as her queue. She played in such a simple way that it kind of scared Zoro, even though they chose a simple tune, she played it so comfortably and wasn't even looking at her guitar, something everyone wished they could do, she's making it look so easy to learn. When it's so difficult to even hold a guitar correctly; she gracefully plays the guitar. As if both of them are in a field surrounded by colourful flowers, she closes her eyes with a peaceful mind. Zoro looked at her in awe, for he almost played the wrong string.

A small gasp was able to be heard by both, which made them stop and look at the room's door, where the sound came from. "Uh, hi?" There was nothing to reveal but a raven short haired girl who was hiding behind the door, she greeted them awkwardly. "Tashigi?" Questioned Zoro as he placed the guitar on one of the old desks, Robin looked at both of them, and sat quietly to not interrupt. "What are you doing here?" He was annoyed over the fact that both of them were interrupted. Heck, they barely even started.

"Isn't that what I should be asking?"


"You could've at least spent lunch with me today! It's the first day of school! We barely even hung out in summer.."

"For the nth time- wait I told you several times that on the first day of school, I will be hanging out with a friend on the first break. Why don't you ever listen to me?!"

"Shut up! Friends this, friends that! Every time I've wanted to hang out with you, after all the years we've known each other, you always use the excuse of wanting to hang out with your so-called friends!" Tears started forming in her eyes, while Zoro didn't feel a hint of guilt, but it felt like he forgot something. Robin had nothing to say in the matter.

"You're my boyfriend!" Robin smiled while Zoro almost choked on air;

"I'm your- what?!"

"Did you seriously forget?! We've been dating for three years! And not once have you kissed me, nor taken me out on dates! And here I am still wondering why I'm dating you!"

Zoro stood dumbfounded, Three years? Heck, if I were that girl I would immediately break up with whoever would treat me like that. Girlfriend by name, huh? Robin held in a chuckle, by covering her mouth, Zoro noticed it.

"What's so funny, exactly?!"

"Hm? Oh, nothing other than the fact that you forgot you had a girlfriend."

"Wait, Zoro you forgot?! That I am dating you?! Unbelievable! No wonder.."

Tashigi stood in front of him, not giving him direct eye contact. Slapping him across the face, he looked like he was done with this crap. But he knew better than to fight her just because of such reason.

"Ah yes, I definitely needed a slap that could wake someone from their death bed. Heck, when did I ever agree to go out with you?!"

"Wha-?! Don't you remember?! It was on Valentine's Day! Three years ago, that is.."

It felt like the whole scene was dramatically blurred with a harp playing in the background.


"Come on, girlie! You can do it. Give him your chocolate!"

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