15. Dreaming of You

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When two people get into a relationship together, it's a promise, it's a promise that they will only look at each other. A relationship where they support each other...

Zoro when I start to waver, I would like someone to be able to catch me.


If you're with the person you like a lot, a word from the person, with one expression, you'll get jittery and nervous in a moment. Well, your worries are probably because of me, right?

"I'm getting irritated by impatience, Robin. The more you talk, the more I wait for you to say that I'm a slave for your emotions."

Zoro, perhaps you really are a sweet and a lovely person. I would've been sick in all the times I lied to you, I never told you about the tears and the wounds. Just.. As if nothing ever happened to me, I only confessed my message with laughter every time.

I feel like my anxiousness is going to explode any time, but I can't do that.. How you usually suggest, if it's going to happen or if it already happened..

Instead of thinking about the bad things that will happen, have a little strength and who knows.. It'll guide you to a better direction.

Can't you guide me instead?






Zoro woke up, it seems that he was holding her hand, it's been a week and a half.

"Good morning." An unexpected greeting was heard by Zoro. He let go of her hand as he tried standing up from the floor, but failed to do so and tripped.

"What a weird dream.." Zoro muttered to himself, "What dream?" Asked the Raven, finally awake. He noticed her while he was rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, hey." He looked confused. She chuckled.

He took a look around the place until he realised that he accidentally fell asleep, he normally goes back home. But have no worries he took a bath before he slept here, "Oh. I slept.." He uttered scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, thanks for keeping my hand warm in the least."


"You didn't let go, when I woke up I saw you sleeping, holding my hand. It was as if you were a baby not wanting to let go. The nurses gave us funny expressions, you know." She teased like a sly fox.

What?! I slept with her-what?! Oh come on! "Uh, my bad." He looked away to cover his scarlet face. Isn't Nami supposed to be the fox here?! Well, great. Then this woman on the bed is the devil that taught her.

"How's everyone?" Robin asked,

"They're doing well."

"And what about you?"

"Huh? I'm all good."

Dang it! This woman saw me in a vulnerable state! Dammit! Well, it's alright I guess.. Since we saw her on the verge of death. He stood up and dusted himself. "Yeah I'm leaving now. See you later." Zoro said walking away.

"Thank you."

"?" He stopped from his tracks.

"You've saved me so many times, I wonder how I could repay you."

"Repay? Well, I'll think about it."

"Okay then, I'll be waiting." She genuinely smiled at him when he just looked away. Sweet and lovely indeed. What a nice dream.. Robin thought.

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