3. The Balcony

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She woke up late at 3 in the morning and Couldn't sleep, she went to the kitchen and prepared a cup of coffee which is her favorite since she was unable to go back to sleep, while she waited for the water to boil, She prepared what was needed on the counter of the kitchen and Sat near-by reading a historical book.

He too, Woke up late at the same time.
Not knowing what to do, going out for a walk was out of the question.
He put on a kettle and poured in water,
He also prepared what was needed on his kitchen's Counter, and while he waits for the water, he went to the balcony and sat on a Chair, staring at a Starless Sky, only for it to be filled with clouds and The Moon.

Both of their water was boiling and so, They prepared their Coffee and Went to the balcony, realising the other standing right infront of the other.

"Oh." They said in Unison, The man kept standing while The lady took a Seat,
She smiled noticing him look at her,
He looked away and sat down.

"You couldn't sleep either?" She asked.

"Yeah. Is it a big deal or something?"

"Hmm, not really. It happens to me at times so, I guess it's more like Relatable?" She said.

He frowned, 'What's with this woman?!' He thought to himself as he took a sip of his coffee while she did the same.

It was quiet for some time until she broke the silence again.

"I think it should be obvious to some people that You're not really the talkative type, I hardly meet people like you." She said.

'It's kind of piqued my interest' she took another sip.

'I don't know if I should take this as a compliment or not..' he took a sip of his coffee.

"Oh, and Do take it as a compliment, because I like silent people, they won't annoy me in anyway and several other reasons, but We'll talk about those later." She noticed the moon on the corner of her eye, so she starts enjoying the sky's view.

'Huh? What should I reply to that, She's making even harder for me to reply! I knew it! She was suspicious after all!!!' He thought himself Looking away for her not to notice his triggered self.


"Are you alright?"

Not noticing her question, he proceeds to mutter inaudible words.


He turned around just to see A confused Woman, he was startled when she called him but he managed to hide it a bit and look at her direction.

"Oh- uh.. Yeah?" He replied awkwardly.

"Are you alright? You seem to be questioning stuff or something." She halfway repeated.

"Ah, It's nothing to be so curious about, it was nothing." He said As he Took another sip of his coffee, noticing he didn't add enough sugar.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back." He said as he went back in.

She smiled as in "okay" and took another sip.

'I hardly doubt it was nothing, I'm pretty sure he's struggling whether to trust me or not, well, it's not a big problem at least.' She thought as she proceeds to admire the sky.


'Should I trust her? Or not? Maybe I should.
But then again I might be wrong! Ugh..'

He thought as he took out the Jar of sugar. He added a bit more and he checked its taste, it was better so he went back to the balcony, apologising for being late only to get another smile with an "It's okay."

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