19. A Night With Her

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Zoro was practicing a small song Nami wrote with him in their free time, he started by playing the guitar. And since Nami wrote it with him, she was by his side as the vocalist. She took a small deep breath.. Then,

"You ask me what I'm thinking about, I tell you that I'm thinking about, whatever you're thinking about.." Yes this is from The Neighborhood, sorry but I ain't in the mood to create some song while writing- the song is called Daddy Issues for the ppl who wanna listen btw.

"Tell me something that I'll forget, and you might have to tell me again," Zoro continued,

"It's crazy what you'll do for a friend"

Both of them stopped, then smiled to each other. "It's going on great. I'll just do the background keyboard and won't sing. My voice isn't suited for the actual song, you and Sanji will be singing it. I know Luffy is an important key but this isn't band work. Just some fooling around on the internet, 'kay Zoro?" He nodded in response, everyone knows that Sanji and Zoro don't get along, but when it comes to serious work they win.

Soon afterwards, Nami snacked on some melon bread and then left the class. Leaving Zoro alone with his guitar and music notes. She took the lyrics though. He thought to himself. As he was walking down the hallway, he saw a face he had always wanted to avoid ever since a small fight. "..Zoro" Tashigi uttered, which was ignored by Zoro since he walked past her, "Zoro please, wait!" She exclaimed as she started running after him, he sped up his walking, then stopped just to glare at her, if Tashigi understands body language, then that would mean to stay away. Which fortunately, she understood, but she still stood there with her head down, miserable and regretful, filled with guilt. A tear dropped down to her glasses, since her head was down, her vision blurred as she furrowed her eyebrows, took off her glasses then started wiping off the tears with her hands, apologizing to someone who had already ran away, over and over again.

As he finally got out of that school, he noticed his gang waiting for him outside. Bonney, Kidd, Monnet and Law too. But someone he hadn't seen before was there as well, he had long blonde hair, and wore a white mask, he didn't speak much and he still doesn't. He seemed to be the closest to Kidd. But Zoro shook it off.

"The hell are you all doing?" Zoro asked, sounding as rude as ever.

"Waiting for you, obviously. Stupid grass. Oh, and mainly here for Robin-chwan!~" Answered the blonde pervert, pulling out a cigarette. Sanji doesn't know the fact that Zoro was with Nami all alone. Robin seemed to have gotten out of the detention room now, everyone is pissed over the fact that Robin has to go through all this. Luffy is enraged, he plans on 'talking' to the principal later on, since he's not here.

All of them started walking around the areas, until they parted ways to go home. It was just the two of them.

"Why are you still dealing with the crap of staying in that detention room for Hell's sake?" He asked, really annoyed.

"I think it's better this way, and besides, you don't know when I can lose control over those demonic abilities. It's better for everyone, so I can't complain."

"Hell yeah you can, that shitty class you call detention is as boring as watching an old lady cross the road."

"Oh? You watch instead of aiding?"

He rolled his eyes, which she smiled to. And so they reached home.

Robin's POV:

As I was roaming around the drawer of my desk, I saw those again. Songs. A full list of songs, written by my mother. I ignore them as I pull out a pen from the drawer, and a simple looking notebook, closing the drawer afterwards. As much as I look like I'm writing in a diary, I'm not. I'm simply taking notes and studying for the math test that will pop up tomorrow, and after that, we'll be sorted into houses through another test. It's not that exciting, the excitement would depend on the team you'd be in, and judging from mine, I'm pretty sure it'll be quite exciting. Last year's test wasn't very entertaining, because of course, I didn't participate and, the Victor was quite obvious. I sneak a glance through my window, just to see Zoro curled up into a ball. I was curious so I opened the window which he noticed, so he opened his. He looked at me curiously, I leaned towards the window frame as I smiled.

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