18. choose

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The evening passed calmly with no homework. And so, the second day of school began.

The school building was so crowded, they were all taken to the chapel. The principal had an announcement to make. A man with a seagull hat, stood on the stage with the microphone. Sengoku. Familiar faces were spotted seated on the chairs, the troublemakers, the straw hats and Robin, there were more people such as Ace and Sabo.

"Good morning my students of Grand Line High." All the mutters and mumbles had silenced.

"I have an important announcement to make. Well before that, would our Admiral Akainu please be on stage?"

Isn't he one of the supervisors in this school?

He's known as an admiral in his Navy days, but what does this have to do with any of it?

You guys are seriously forgetting what this academy is for?!

Oh.. Right..

The school in which you'd be chosen as the Pirate King. The second years and the first years aren't aware of that just yet.

I heard that they might reveal it during the announcement.

Well it doesn't matter. None of the third years were fit for the position anyway. Abilities and training for nothing after all. Tch.

The heavy footsteps of the said man, were echoing as he went up the small staircase of the stage leading to Sengoku. The straw hats paid attention, for once; Law was pissed. As if he knew what was about to happen.

"As you all know, this is your supervisor Mr. Akainu, and it's very much known that he used to be an admiral."

The whole chapel started muttering, in confusion.

"I, am retiring. And I'll be handing my position as the principal, to Akainu. I have no young relatives, for the reason of my retirement is quite personal. The school rules will be the same. I wish you all luck on this semester. And a peaceful year."

"Uh, sir?"


"What about the houses?"

"Right, the houses will be taken care of, by Akainu. There won't be any difference. However, the difficulty might change. Is that all? Are there any more questions?"

"Why did you choose Akainu of all the three supervisors? Mr. Aokiji and Mr. Kizaru."

"Mr. Kizaru didn't like the thought of becoming the principal. Whereas, Aokiji was tied with Akainu. And so, they chose through it the old fashioned way."

Mutters, whispers and mumbles increased, all of the students were frustrated, and negative. They wanted to object but they knew that they couldn't.

"Hey!" An immature noisy voice called the stage, Sengoku and Akainu glanced at the source. It was a straw hat boy standing on his chair, while staring right into their soul. "What's wrong, boy?" The man with a Seagull hat, asked. "Seagull! Why are you retiring?!" Luffy exclaimed, annoyed by the news. Usopp and Brook tried seating him down again while Nami is preparing her fist, Franky acted like he didn't know them and so did Zoro, Sanji and Chopper. Robin sighed.

"Heh, Why am I retiring.. You say?" Sengoku smirked looking at Luffy, hands in his pockets.

"Hm!" Luffy nodded,

"I said that it was a personal matter. What is your name, boy?"

"Wha- Oh, My name is Monkey D. Luffy! And I'm gonna be the Pirate King!" He grinned positioning his hat.

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