11. Just Beach It

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Are you proud? This chapter has 3.5k words, be proud ✨ 'tis but a way for me to apologize for a late update!


The two scheduled a day which is directly tomorrow afternoon, Zoro got back after doing five or seven more laps, while the girl went back home after three laps of pain, she actually finished her jogging and was about to head home, that is until she ran into Zoro hiding in the bushes and trees. She gave a small laugh while she was on her way back.

A yawn was heard outside of Zoro's house, it was him of course so he opened his door with his key, just to see Hawk eyes directed at him unhesitatingly. "You? Jogging? At five-thirty in the morning? You'd be asleep, what's the matter." He questioned Zoro's jogging but then asked with no quizzical tone, Zoro sighed forgetting that his father came back from work long ago, "It's nothing, just wanted to." Said the lime as he put his shoes aside and walked in. "Apparently, your boss told me that you skipped on your work? Do I really have to act instead of you like you're still a middle-school brat?" Mihawk glared at Zoro causing Zoro to look away immediately, the father stood up and put his morning black tea on the table, he approached his son Zoro and grabbed him by the colar of his shirt.

"Listen here you dumbass, I'm not gonna chase after your boss and kneel over because you've been missing your work, you better go right now, it's Saturday 6:35 am. You're supposed to be there at 6:35 pm, but I'll make you work full-time if I have to." Mihawk uttered to Zoro who was dripping of cold sweat running down his spine. "Right.." Was all that Zoro said, Mihawk abruptly took off his hands and went back to his tea and newspaper. Truth be told, Zoro had fully forgotten about his job, he has been thinking about a certain girl which has been starting to occupy all of him, in and out. Zoro took a small shower then prepared his clothes for work, it's technically a suit or a tuxedo. Mihawk stared at him in confusion, Zoro stared back.

"What the hell are you doing?" Asked Mihawk raising an eyebrow, "Going to the bar for work..?" Replied the lime ball mimicking Mihawk's eyebrows which worked. "Idiot, I wasn't serious, 6:35 pm. That's when you normally go, right? Put that crap away now." Zoro sighed as he went back to his room upstairs, his window's curtains were closed so he didn't have to embarrass himself if Robin were to be in her room, he hung his suit in his closet and laid down on his bed then started staring at the ceiling, his mind was blank, on his right was his guitar, on his left was his phone. He picked up his phone to see how the group chat is going, and as usual, it's still being ridiculously goofy. While he was looking at the texts, he slowly dozed off..


The Raven was awake from two hours ago, which would be 4:55 am, she always wakes up too early for some reason and is unable to sleep. While the lime sleeps whenever he wants to and gets up late, but at times he wakes up early with no intention of doing so. She was in her living room, she went upstairs to her own room so that she could get her comfortable slippers, it was windy, she noticed her neighbor's window was open but covered with his curtains, she smiled at it then put on her slippers, she went near her desk to take her phone then noticed a gust of wind blow through the curtains of Zoro's, he was found asleep on his bed, she noticed his casual outfit, his shoes were still on, his stomach was visible since his shirt was a bit pulled up due to his previous stretches, his phone was laying on his left hand, not grasping it anymore, he gave light snores which wasn't heard but the huge bubble from his nose was seen, she chuckled at him then closed her window with the curtains so that he won't have to be embarrassed to be caught sleeping in front of her because of the wind. After a minute or two, he felt cold breeze in his room he slowly opened his right eye just to see the window open, he got up and zipped up his jacket, he stood in front of the window noticing that Robin's window is closed and so are the curtains, he closed the window since it was still the morning breeze and he isn't a fan, the sun shined brightly into his eyes causing him to silently hiss, he closed the curtains. "What a drag" he muttered to himself. He tried sleeping again but he couldn't no matter what he did, his sister Perona finally finished all her summer vacation assignments, some universities don't do those stuff but hers does, so she was in her room drinking tea while being fancy with her plushies at such an age. 'No wonder she has no friends' thought the mosshead to himself.

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