27. Dirty

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  Zoro started packing up his workout gear and weights, as well as dumbbells. After finishing up with those, he began to think about ways to transport them. That's where Mihawk appeared, leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"..." Zoro didn't say a thing, but Mihawk already knew what to do. "Come on." He ordered, which Zoro quietly obeyed. Much to Zoro's surprise, there was already a truck waiting outside for transportation. He also noticed Robin looking out from her bedroom window, confused.

  After a few struggles to place all his gear into the truck, the truck drove its way to the school, Mihawk in it as well in case they got robbed or scammed. Robin came out of her house, locking it. Zoro noticed that she had two bags with her.

"Need help?" He offered, seeing that one was a duffle bag.

"Much appreciated." She replied, giving him the duffle bag, which, unexpectedly, was slightly heavy. The two walked their way to the sidesteps, waiting for a taxi.

"I don't mean to sound noisy or nosey but what's in the duffle?" Zoro asked out of curiosity.

"Ah, stacks of paper in folders. It's like you're carrying heavy dictionary books in a duffle bag." She commented with a smile, her eyes closed. A little while later, a taxi stopped by and they drove their way to school. There, they saw Mihawk instructing the men with Zoro's gear.

"Seems like it's important. For you?" She asked him, he slightly nodded. "First we'll drop your stuff on the going merry, then I'll take care of those." Zoro instructed, to which Robin nodded. It took them a few minutes to reach the Going Merry.

Zoro went inside the Girl's Room with Robin, she didn't mind. She started packing out her stuff, and he helped her. Then came the duffle bag, he handed it to her and she opened it Unluckily enough, one of the folders was broken so it slipped all the sheets all over the floor. Zoro's eyes widened at what he saw.

"..." He didn't say a thing as he didn't want to get personal or nosey. He helped her pick the sheets up and she thanked him. Then he left to deal with the gear and help Mihawk.

Robin couldn't say a thing about that, she didn't mean for him to see the music sheets that she wrote. As well as her mother's. After she finished fixing everything, she opened her laptop, starting her online job that she found a few weeks ago. It pays well. About a hundred thousand berries per month, it was more than enough for her.


"Well, that's that." Mihawk concluded, now that they finished moving up Zoro's gear into the watchtower, above. A little while later, Zoro and Mihawk argued for the payment, and eventually split the cost.

"..thanks." Mihawk was, rather disappointed. There was no old man or, dad anymore. He simply nodded and left. The rest of the straw hats were still outdoors and having fun. Zoro and Robin were left with awkward silence in the ship. He eventually went down to the ship's kitchen to cook something up. Just to notice Robin already doing so. She seemed to be cutting something.. Robin heard his footsteps and so she stopped halfway and looked at him with a kind smile.

"Hungry?" She asked, he gave her a slight hum. Then, he approached the counter to see what she's making. She seemed very experienced, and she knew what she was doing. Robin is very skilled.

"I didn't know that you could cook." He commented, slightly impressed.

"Well, I did live alone for quite a while, Zoro." She replied, she started the fire and placed a saucepan, adding a bit of oil and a small slice of butter. After a while she added some onions and waited for them to turn golden brown, then added four cloves of garlic. Mixing them with a wooden spatula.

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