24. Farewell, Perona

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Mihawk parked his car aside and the other three got out.

"Olivia!" Perona shouted running towards the said-girl. The two hugged for a little while before letting go of each other.

The five having a small conversation, walked into the airport. Mihawk, Perona and Olivia went to the reception while Zoro and Robin stayed behind. It was quiet between the two, if you ignore the passerbys and the announcements made for each takeoff of a plane and specific planes landing.

"Did you get her something as a farewell gift?" Robin initiated a conversation, "She'll know." He didn't care for replying at the moment. She found it interesting and decided to take the matter into her own hands. "My, are we feeling gloomy about Zoro's big sister 'studying-abroad'?" Teasing him, Zoro stared at her with a slightly embarrassed expression. "She'll visit. Vacations." Robin nodded knowingly.

A sudden shriek was heard at the airport, startling both Zoro and Robin. Not heard by half of the building, the mature two decided to take care of the issue. They went over to the source of crying and shouting, it was a little toddler crying for her mother. The moss head wanted to make a run for it but the raven had caught him already, making him sigh and turn around, he knelt on the floor and looked straight into the girl's eyes.

"Hi, what's your name?"

The girl shuddered at his voice and at his looks. A tall muscular man glaring right into her soul, frowing, and forcing a smile at the same time.. Makes it a sort of.. Misunderstanding situation, so Robin decided to step in and pushed him out of the way. "Hello there, you seem to be struggling, where are your parents?" The little one hesitated, but Robin's smile encouraged her to speak.

"I.. can't find my parents. But, it is okay. They.. don't want me. I'm always alone. Even with mama and papa, they're always so.. mean." The child started tearing up, she started stuttering; making it hard for Robin to comprehend. The raven patted her head, "Let's take you to the station, perhaps they'll be able to help you out, okay?" The child hesitated before speaking, "I'm not wanted at home! They're all mean! They eat food without me, watch tv without me, and they keep me in my room! I never know how it is outside. I am taught at home.. Today is the first time, so I think they were doing a surprise, but they leave me alone! With this paper!"

The girl handed Robin the note, the said-raven took it and read it out-loud for Zoro to hear as well.

"This child is now alone. May someone take care of her, as we can no longer do so. Thank you."

"..." Zoro was silent, the girl is now abandoned. "Hey." He called out for her, the child shivered before turning around, "Yes..?"

"How old are you?"

"..I'm.. Uh.." She didn't know her numbers, so she counted her fingers and gave him a five.

He eyed Robin -catching her attention- she approached him. The two started whispering, confusing the little girl.

"Should we send her to some orphanage?" He asked her, Robin shook her head.

"We should call the police. First, we have to head to the reception and discuss this issue, then we can call the police, abandoning a child out of irresponsibility.. Is that even an excuse? Either way, I need you to keep this note with you. Now then, let's take her to the reception as said." Robin smiled at the green head before heading to the younger girl.

"Well, may we know your name?"

"I'm.. Rin Theo.. Theod.. Uh. Theodore!"

"Well, you're gonna have to go by Rin now, since you're no longer a Theodore." Zoro uttered, walking past the kid. Robin prevented him from going further saying that she could lose him, he grunted before standing still next to the raven.

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