12. Just Beach it (2)

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Not me thinking of leaving you guys on a cliffhanger. Aha.

Anyways, CV and Enjoy?

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The crew were comfortably on the sand, taking a small break from the water. "All right! Now back to teaching! Chop, chop!" Exclaimed Usopp pretending to be bossy instead of Nami, and of course, he got a smack for that. "Now that Sanji-kun is playing favorites with swimming, I'll teach Chopper." She ended her statement by carrying Chopper like he's some doll. "Nami-san! You can swim?!" Cried Sanji as he fell on his knees, "Then after all this time.. You were pretending that you couldn't swim so that I could help you!" Hearts appeared on his eyes yet again, he earned a smack for that.. "No! I wanted to see how you would teach someone of the same gender when there's a girl with you, and that reached my expectations. You did play favorites with genders." Nami scoffed and went into the water with Chopper.

Sanji sulked and almost gave up on life if it weren't for Zoro knocking him out and putting him on the sand. Usopp did the honors, burrying the corpse.

Chopper wanted to join and so, Nami let him since she doesn't like teaching, she went to sunbathe instead however, she was lonely since Perona and Robin were being taught by Zoro. As she was looking at them, she thought.. I wish I could get a man who takes his work seriously.. She took out sunscreen and applied it on herself, though only the back left, she asked for Usopp since he's one of the least perverted.

"Alright.. Uh, how does someone teach a person how to swim again?" Zoro asked himself, he heard a chuckle escape from the Raven's mouth which embarrassed him, causing Perona to smirk, she managed her way to Zoro by the donut float, he notices her and so he gave her a stern look knowing she'll do something mischievous.

"Hey." She started,

"Spill it, what's your deal?"

"Awh.. So you already know. Okay, so my deal, is for you to let me go! But in return.." She whispered what he would get in return.

His jaw dropped and he let her go back to the coast. It confused Robin, so he looked at her. "She.. She tricked me. I had no choice. Sorry." She smiled at him, "It's not a problem, at least it would be faster to get this over with." He walked closer to the water until he couldn't feel the ground touching his feet. "Well, okay then. Let's start." But before he could even start with the basics, a cannonball from the Almighty Franky interrupted, his first instinct was to swim as fast as possible to Robin, she wasn't on a float, she knew how to balance herself, but not when there's such an explosion from the giant. Robin was drowning, and the lifeguard Usopp didn't even notice and even if he did he would be too late, it was all up to the mosshead to save the day.

Well, that took me by surprise, I forgot about Franky-kun, I shouldn't have let my guard down.. I can barely see anything, it's gotten blurry for me now, wait.. What is that, I see something- no, someone? They're trying to reach my hand.. Should I accept? ...Before I could make a decision, all I saw afterwards was the color black. Who was the person, I wonder?


I managed to save her, she was conscious I saw her eyes filled with confusion, but there was no fear.. As if she was disappointed in herself instead.

Zoro carried Robin on his back as he started walking the moment he felt the sand on his feet, Nami helped Zoro by taking Robin from the back with Luffy's aid. Sanji wouldn't stop attacking Franky because of it, Luffy calmed the blonde and Franky got scolded by Usopp.

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