16. Our Guitar

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"Play with me"


"Oh-uh.. You don't have to, if you're uncomfortable." Zoro awkwardly placed his hand behind his neck.

"No, I actually couldn't hear you." She closed the book, "Then forget it." He muttered. "Why should I?" and it was at this moment, he knew.. She was teasing him again.


"Oh my, let's calm down, I'll play with you. In one condition, it must only be you." She smiled at him, in thought 'Will you be able to accept it?' She saw him think about it for a while. "Yeah it's okay. We can't do it nowadays, so after a week and a half, which is basically school time, I'll show you a spot where my dad always played music with no interruptions. What instruments do you play?" 𝘏𝘦'𝘴 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥.. She thought, "I play any instrument, really."-"I play any string instrument. Do you have a guitar?" Robin nodded, "Great. Then we'll do it as a small duet with our guitar."

I've never seen anyone with such love for music, perhaps.. Oh well, in the end, I would still fail them.

Robin smiled, but when he looked at her, he knew something was wrong, he's not the type to immediately ask.. But,

"What's the deal?"


"Why're you gloomy all of a sudden."

"Oh? I wasn't really gloomy, I guess I'm just sleepy, It's midnight after all."

He didn't seem to take in that lie, Zoro slowly approached her face, their faces were so close, that just one move would lead to a nose touch. Her eyes widened, she tried distancing herself, but the more she did so, the more he approached. "Uhm.. Zoro?" He gave her a suspicious look, but before he even knew it, he was on top of her on the bed, and when he noticed, he quickly got up. "My bad." He left as fast as he could, trying to keep his composure.

Robin flashed a small chuckle, then covered her mouth and cheeks, with one hand.



It was already the next day, eight in the morning. Robin was discharged from the hospital, Perona and a sleepy Zoro came to pick her up. "How does sleeping on a hospital bed for almost two weeks feel?" Asked Perona while driving the car, "It wasn't really that bad. I had a little bit of company here and there." Perona nodded while looking at the road, paying attention so that they won't get into an accident. "And what was the company? More like.. Who was keeping you accompanied?" Perona was so sure of herself that it was Zoro who was with Robin the most. "Nami, Sanji, and Chopper. You too, of course."

"Ehhh! What about this odd moss head over here?!"

"All he did was sleep but yes him too, I guess." Thankfully he was sleeping at the back seat, while Robin was at the front seat next to Perona. "Good thing he is asleep or else this car would be split in half..." Perona muttered to herself, Robin had good hearing, so she was confused, what did Perona mean by that? Do they also have.. Abilities? Robin thought that she was overthinking so she shook it off her head, and the rest was a silent ride back home.

"I thank you for the ride, Perona and Zoro. "

"Oh! It's not a problem.. Horohorohorohoro!"

Zoro just looked away, not giving a care in the world.

"Troublesome kids." The two siblings shivered as they stood in fear, Robin looked at the man who seemed to have been adressing Zoro and Perona, "Oh, you're Robin, right?" Robin nodded to the man who was currently looking down at her, even though she herself is tall. "I'm Mihawk, Dracule Mihawk. Their father." He said as he looked at the two, annoyed. "Well if that's the case then, I'm Robin, Nico Robin, your neighbor." She smiled, he smiled back offering a handshake, which she accepted. To Zoro and Perona, it was as if Two Devils have met.. It was their nightmare. The siblings ran all the way back to their doorstep but before they could even touch the doorknob,

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