20. Houses

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It was finally time for the Math test, the class was quiet as the teacher passed the papers to all of the students, Zoro was everything but noisy, as usual. Nami was already writing and so was Robin, Brook and Chopper didn't seem to be struggling, Tashigi was doing great as well. The students who didn't study were obviously in pain staring at the sheet.

The teacher stood in front of the class after distributing the papers, and cleared his throat to grab their attention.

"So as you all know, your former Math teacher resigned. Therefore, they chose to call me back to this place. My name is Mihawk, of course, you must address me with honorifics. You may proceed with your test, average is thirty-five minutes only. You have forty minutes left as well." He said before taking a seat. After that introduction, Zoro had already given up his will to live. His own father, by blood, teaching at the same school that he attends, before Zoro could think any further, he snapped himself back to reality and tried his best to focus on the test.

L-let's see.. All right, exercise number... I? What's I? I guess that's number one. Okay.. - hah. The hell is this?! Oh wait, damn it! Robin taught me this theorem yesterday.. What was it again? Oh right. Mm, okay. Onto the next one. What? How did I get from I to X? Isn't it supposed to be II now? What's with this stupid paper?! Whatever. I'll just solve each and every single exercise, not in order. Even though we're supposed to but like come on numbers fear me!!

The entire class proceeded to write down their answers, some asked for scratch papers, some remained silent and absorbed into the paper. Loud screams were heard outside, seemed that a few students from the other sections got caught cheating, it caused Zoro to glance through the window, since the students were being dragged to the office. There are four sections after all, the worst, D. The somewhat troublesome, C. Average grades and mid brain, B. Smart, intelligent, sportive and basically the ace, A.

Oh? Is this really our test? It seems a bit too quick, I wonder if they're trying to go easy on the transfer students? Even so, they're never generous. I guess I studied a bit too hard. Robin thought after she finished solving the sheet, instead of handing it over, she decided to keep the paper with her.

"Green head, eyes on the sheet." Mihawk muttered reading the newspaper. Zoro got startled then put his attention back to the paper, continuing to write. Nami looked at the sheet with a pearl of sweat right on the corner of her forehead as she stared at the last exercise. Um, crap? This figure is too complicated! How is Robin doing this?! I bet she finished and doesn't want to hand in the paper. Ugh.. I'm gonna sob what is this.

While Nami was sulking, Brook was writing down answers on his sheet. Yohohoho, perhaps living long does help! But then again I forgot most of what we're studying, and I don't really have a brain.. Because I'm all bones! Yohohoho! Brook was laughing to himself whereas Chopper had already finished. He's one of the smartest students in the entire school. Many people wish to be as smart and as hard working as the boy, because they don't have ambitions and want the easy way through life. Time passed quick and now five minutes were left for the bell to ring, Mihawk glanced at the students before returning to his newspaper. "Any students who finished their tests, put it on my desk." He announced, taking a sip of his coffee. Tashigi was the first to stand, followed by Chopper, then Robin, and after her was Nami then Brook, and then Zoro before some random students throughout the class. Zoro, Brook and Nami sighed after taking their seat. "So you guys too huh?" Nami asked, too worn out to shift to their direction. The other two hummed in agreement. "Which exercise did you guys get stuck on?" Nami asked again, curious. "Well, for me it was the fourth exercise and the last, what about yours Nami-san?" Brook replied, "Mine was the last one! The figure was too complicated!" Nami exclaimed in an unfair tone. "Well, what about you Zoro?" He glanced at her, "The third one." Nami almost fell off her chair, That's the easiest one! Thought both, Brook and Nami. "You didn't find the tenth exercise any difficult?" Brook asked, Zoro scoffed, "I studied the same exercise yesterday, I still remember it. So it was easy." He uttered, which made Brook and Nami fall off their chairs. "Zoro/-san, you studied?!" They exclaimed, in unison.

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