13. they regret it

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HAHAHAHA I told you I would leave you on a cliffhanger- it wasn't a good one though.. However! This might be when stuff will get spiced up.. 💀👍

[C&V I beg u]


5 missed calls and 19 unread messages From Mr. 0


I heard footsteps behind me, and.. Was that the smell of smoke? Don't tell me..

"Ms. AllSunday, how are you doing?" A husky deep voice greeted behind her back as she was about to close the door, the man was right behind her as he did the favor of closing the door, his normal hand was placed on it while his hook was on the shocked raven. [You could say.. She was hooked.. OKAY SORRY]

"M-Mr. Zero.."

"I told you several times before, Robin... You're the only one who's allowed to call me Crocodile, and only you."

She gulped as he traced her chin with his hook, if the hook wasn't dull.. Blood would be all over, but even with a dull hook, it can kill.


I sat on my bed, upstairs. I was thinking of her over again, something is telling me that I should go to her house right now. But I don't think that I should.. Even so, why is it that I'm worried? Robin is at her house, which is literally next to mine. She's safe there. Right?

"Hey, Zoro." Perona called the lime snapping him out of his thoughts. The said-greenhead looked at her in question, replying with a "hm."

"Can you go buy groceries?"

"What? Why not you? You seem free."

"Dude! I'm cooking. Literally in the kitchen! Get your sleepy ass out of the house!"

"Geez, fine!"


The tall Raven haired man was sitting on the couch, a leg over the other, arms spreaded. While the raven haired girl was on the couch opposite directed, she tightened her fingers into her palms as she was digging them in, on her thighs.

"Why are you here?"

"What a way to greet an old friend, Robin."

"I've quit with whatever you were doing, so why are you here, Crocodile?!" She tried to compose herself while talking to the man who was currently smoking.


I normally get lost when I go buy some goodies. But this time Perona is coming with me to do so, even though she attempted to kick me outta the house. The reason she's with me is that there's a mouse in the kitchen, we'll get rid of it once we leave the store, I took a glance at Robin's place. Something is telling me to break in, but I won't cause I ain't an idiot.

"We're here, Zoro."


The two went inside the store, Perona went to the food isle while I went to the cleaning isle.

"Welcome back, Zoro and Perona!" An old friend greeted us before we vanished.

"Oh, Olivia!" Perona is fond of Olivia, they're apparently classmates and have the same taste when it comes to cuteness and fashion.


Crocodile stood up from the couch and took a small walk around the small coffee table, he now stood in front of Robin while she was seated.

"Do you seriously not know why I'm here?"

She gave him a quizzical expression, which was all he needed to know.

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