6. Little Tease

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Hey peeps, sorry for those weird timings with the updates and all. It's just those crappy exams. 😭 anyways, let's go back to the series, and don't forget to vote + follow for the latest Zorobin fan fiction updates.


The crew was silent except for Nami, Sanji and Luffy. There was a person they were gonna meet, and that person is standing in front of them, Zoro was just sitting on his every day chair as he looked at her, while the other people were surprised, Sanji was being his usual self simping for Her while Luffy was smiling carefree.

"Guys, I want you to meet Robin! My best friend!" Introduced Nami, Robin smiled and waved at them, our Shy reindeer was hiding behind Zoro's chair in the opposite direction, which Robin found cute. Sanji was a small tornado with heart-shapes eyes, Franky and Brook were giving her a warm welcome, which she appreciated, Luffy was included, and so was Usopp.

Sanji noticed Zoro not being surprised, so he went and approached him.
"Oi, Zoro."

"What do you want? "

"You know this gorgeous lady?"

"None of your business. "

"Answer me! Stupid moss-head!"

Zoro rolled his eyes then closed them trying to ignore Sanji. So instead, he asks Robin.

"Hello, Robin-chan!"

"Hello, Sanji. "

"I have a question for a beautiful lady "


"Do you know this sleeping moss-head over there?" He eagerly asked.

She looked at Zoro who just gave her a shrug telling her to say whatever she wants.
She nodded back.

"Well, he's my neighbor." She smiled.

Sanji heart-shaped eyes were now broken, he looked at Zoro and was about to pull out a kick on him that is until Zoro blocked it with Sanji's Drum sticks.

"You better put my beautiful drum sticks away from your disgusting hands!"

"I don't care Toilet hair! Leave me in peace!"

"What did you just call me?! And how dare you keep this beautiful lady a secret from me?! Not only that, you have a beautiful sister as well! You're so unfair you bastard!"

"I don't care! And you never asked!"

"I did! You were zoning out, remember?! I asked you if it was a girl in your mind you said no!"

"Cause it wasn't! I just forgot to put The peanut butter inside my dad's sandwhich! I remembered that in the car! Idiot!"

"Like I'd let that pass! Liar!" He said as he was about to lunch another kick, luckily, Zoro Dodged it.

The crew and Robin just watched the two fight. "Never mind those two, they never get along." Said Usopp to Robin, Nami walked towards the two immature boys and smacked them in the head then started to scold them.

"So it's always like this?" The curious Raven asked, Luffy grinned and nodded.

A few minutes later the two stopped fighting and everything went back to normal.

"my name is Tony Tony Chopper, y-you can just call me.. chopper." He said still hiding behind Zoro.

"Nice to meet you Chopper."

"my name is Franky! And I am the Super~! Editor!"

"My name is Brook! I'm the second lead guitarist! Zoro is the first lead guitarist!"

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