22. Devil

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During the evening, right after school, the moss head lied down on his bed, staring at his empty ceiling. With nothing but light and a fan to see, he muttered lyrics that he was supposed to follow with his guitar. He imagined his guitar in his hands, playing with it as he felt the lyrics rush through his mind, piano, drums, guitar. Those were the instruments that he could hear in his mind, he played his part mentally, practicing for their concert.

He hummed as he swiftly moved his fingers, on the imaginary strings. He opened his eyes for a second to see his mask laying next to him, he smirked as he grabbed it. Holding it right in front of the light that was striking his grey eyes. Zoro put his mask on, trying to feel music, as he felt that he was slowly losing his passion for it, but he didn't want to. He picked up his phone opening his Spotify playlist, he played it and closed his eyes.

After a few songs, a suggested song came on.

"I Love You So"-The Walters.

He loved every single bit of it, though he felt as if it was foreshadowing his life, but it was just some random feeling inside him, getting Zoro all mixed up, so he decided to skip the song. Playing another one,

"Another Love"-Tom Odell.

Zoro pulled out his earphones and stopped the music, it wasn't helping at all. It's always like this, love ongs trending everywhere, if not love songs, then unrequited, or heart broken after some lame breakup. He placed his phone aside, as well as his mask. He spent the day avoiding the topic of what had happened to him yesterday, he then took a nap. Too sleepy to think about those stuff. Robin would steal his glances often, thinking that he wanted to say something, while the crew was distracted, she looked back at him, offering a warm smile and a small wave. He pouted and shifted his position, his back laying flat on the wall, head turned away from the raven. She giggled at his movements before getting distracted by Chopper's cuteness.

During last period, Akainu walked into their class. Chopper frowned for some reason, Brook sighed, Nami rolled her eyes, Robin waited patiently for his words, Zoro not giving a damn about his existence, but was willing to listen.

"Good afternoon class 2-A." He greeted, after the students did, he then gave them permission to sit down again.

"I will be discussing something important. About the Houses." What he said grabbed the attention of the entire class, tiny amount of gossips already started. "Silence... Alright then, what I want to say about the Houses, is that all of you, who are in a crew, will be living in them by tomorrow. No excuses, if we don't find all of you pirates in your Houses by next week, you will be punished, severely." After he ended his announcement, he left the class before being able to hear several groans, complaints, and even yelling about how they got a good-for-nothing House. Shanks being their Homeroom teacher covered his ears for a few minutes before shutting up the entire class by using Haki.

"You heard the man, guys. Welp, pack your bags the class is almost ov-" Shanks's talk was interrupted by the bell, causing him to pause. Students not giving a care about it just kept quiet. The bell then stopped, everyone started grabbing their bags and heading to their Houses. They were guided by Akainu himself, when the strawhats looked further into the view, all they saw was water. Luffy, Brook and Chopper shivered in fear, Robin smiled at the three before following them. The entire academy got their Houses, except for the Strawhats, they were patiently waiting for theirs since Luffy got disqualified, some of the crew got impatient and started nagging, while the patient ones were either ignoring them or calming the impatient ones down. The others who were at their respectful Houses, were staring at the Strawhats, some were making fun of them in the open, some were gossiping, some were ignoring, some were laughing so bad. A small amount of those crews got decent Houses, or fancy ones, or even gigantic ones. The Strawhats didn't care and they kept waiting, then finally after what seemed like a forever moment of being judged at, their House arrived, it looked small, it didn't have their flag yet, it had a goat as its head, pointed directly at them, fine forest wood brightened up by the sun, and a small gardening area filled with tangerines. The entire crew was amazed, Usopp flew to the House, which is commonly known as a Pirate ship; the moment he saw a certain blonde waving at them next to the helmsman.

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