8. Crocodile

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A few weeks later at Luffy's house where Zoro, Sanji and Nami are at.

"So, technically he calls himself 𝘐𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘡𝘦𝘳𝘰?" Asked Sanji. Luffy nodded while Zoro sighed. "Well, not gonna lie that name of his sounds kind of cringey." Added the Tangerine. Zoro and Sanji nodded in agreement but Luffy didn't. "But his name sounds so cool! Zoro!" Yelled the Strawhat,

"what is it now?"

"Tell them, man! Why did you agree with them! He's the cool guy I told you about before!!" (Ch. 5)

"Yeah I don't know what you mean."

"Yeah you do! I told you lots about him while we were on the phone!"

"Well, now that you mention it, you did talk about some "Cool Guy" visiting soon.. But don't create lies about telling details you idiot!"

"Eh? I didn't? Must have forgotten to tell you, sorry!" Luffy gave out his signature laugh. While the other three just facepalmed.

"Since he is called the 'Inevitable Zero' we should be able to find him through the internet. So yeah I guess I'll search about him." Said Nami as she got up from Luffy's bed.

[A/N: All of them were in his room]

The rest soon left the house and as usual, Luffy kept Zoro around for more talk. "What's it?" - "his real name, is not known through the internet because it was told that he created a crime with his actual name, so he hides it. But the government hasn't realised!"

"... You should've said that before you dumbass. Maybe then I wouldn't have had to smack you!" Scolded the green haired as he smacked Luffy's head very hard and left the house with a goodbye. Garp walked in and put an Ice pack on Luffy's head. "That's gonna stay on your head for a while." Said the old man earning an "oh man..!"and several nagging and groaning from the Strawhat boy.


Perona noticed that Zoro has been staying on his phone and laptop a lot. But she couldn't confront him because he's always secretive around her, and that she's mostly uncultured as to his likings towards stuff.
Since she has been secretly hanging out with Robin more than Zoro has, they're literal best friends. So she asked Robin for help.


He was sitting on his balcony with his laptop while drinking a bottle of Lime juice to keep him focused. He never pays attention to stuff so he's practically trying his best not to get distracted, but sucks for him, cause a doorbell interrupted. "Perona could you open the door? You're free now."
"Oh yeah? What are you even doing?! You don't bother to study in summer so don't you talk about this crap with me! You open it!" She argued, "Oh my god, fine!" He ended. Zoro slammed his juice bottle on the table and went downstairs for the door.
And another ring from the door was heard by him which snapped his patience.
He impatiently and furiously pulled the doorknob causing the door to get pulled with it without his knowing.
"What?! Oh-"


"Quite the damage done to your.. Door."

"Oh crap, this is the seventh time.." Whispered the green haired, "Sorry about that, Robin. You can still come in.." He said feeling guilty. "Oh come on, are you serious?! We fixed the door a month ago!" Exclaimed Perona. "Well if you opened the door like I told you to, this shit wouldn't have happened!"-" oh so now you're blaming your crap on me?! Just because of your stupid temper?! F*ck that!"-"Don't you swear! You know it's forbidden in the house!" The two kept arguing non-stop.

Robin couldn't really do anything, since Zoro said that she could come in she just sat on the couch and waited for them to be done with these fights. Let's just say that Perona actually planned this, nobody can calm an angry Zoro, so when they stop fighting, Zoro will go back to whatever he was doing before, and stay quiet for weeks. 'Now, since this little brother of mine is mad, I wonder if Robin can calm him down? Horohorohorohoro, I know my brother's taste in women!' Thought Perona as she faked her arguments.

"I've had enough of this! You better shut your mouth after ten minutes! I'm going back to the balcony." He said as he went upstairs. Perona winked at Robin, "whatever you idiot! Besides, that's the wrong floor! That's my floor!" Zoro's face flushed red, he rushed back to the right direction and sat in the balcony. "Does this drama occasionally happen?" Asked Robin. "I guess you could say that. Just give him a month and he'll be back to normal, if you wanna talk to him now he'll be very grumpy and mean. Good luck with that!"
"You do remember that you were the one that asked for my help, right? Why did you make it harder for me." Asked Robin with a nerve popping up while she was smiling.
"U-uhm.. Well, uh.." Perona kept stammering. "Well? Well what? I'm waiting.." The pinky had chills sent down her spine. Robin laughed, "don't worry I was just teasing you, I'll try talking to him." She said as she went upstairs to the balcony.

"...Aren't I the older one?!" Exclaimed Perona.

Robin saw Zoro Scrolling through his laptop, but couldn't see what it was, so she opened the balcony but to her surprise the green haired didn't even care. 'I guess she was right about him being like that' she thought.
She walked closer to him, which was noticed by the man but he didn't care. So instead, she sat next to him since it was a long couch, actually it's only fit for three.

"That was one way to put up the fact that you're also physically strong, Mr. Grumpy."


It wasn't a surprise for her that she didn't get a response. She took the chance to look at his laptop, she was in shock after what she saw, she remained silent. The man beside her was confused as to why she had a frightened expression on her face. "Robin..?" He called in worry but, he still had no response from the girl next to him whatsoever. "Hey, Robin? Oi." His call finally snapped her back to reality.. She looked at his worried face, "Is.. Something wrong?" She asked as she put both of her hands on each of her laps. "You were sorta zoned out and terrified when you looked at my laptop, is it about the 'Inevitable Zero' guy?"...he knew he nailed it the moment she nodded her head. "Have you met him before?" He asked..

"I have. I'd rather not remember but.. Why are you researching about that man?"

"Well, he's gonna visit Luffy soon or that may be a misunderstanding and we're probably go to one of his concerts."


"So I'm searching on the net to figure those stuff out. I don't wanna be clueless to such a man that Luffy would think is cool. How did you meet him though? He's known to be a big-shot around his areas."

"It was.. A coincidence, perhaps. I don't really.. Remember...." Robin said as she avoided eye contact with Zoro. Which didn't go unnoticed to him, of course.. It kind of made him even more curious as to what happened.

Maybe a former acquaintance? A troubled relationship with him? A relative? What could have happened for her to be so.. Afraid? Vote to find out.

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