28. You Love Him

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Where is that stupid Sanji..?

Nami kept wandering around, she didn't find him on the ship. So, she searched around the campus, it was pretty empty since it was late, except some people staying around for something she's unsure of but included school work.

She checked the lockers, hallways, she even asked the security around. One claimed to have seen him running to the cafeteria, then running out of it, then running to the track field, then running back to the cafeteria.

Nami sighed and apologized in Sanji's stead to the tired security guard. She went to the cafeteria just to hear two voices talking to one another. One of them was Sanji, and the other was a woman.



  "Thank you, Sanji-san." A young lady, who seemed to be their junior, was with Sanji. She accepted a small lunch box, which Nami saw from afar.

  "You're welcome, young miss~! ♡" Sanji replied, turning into a tiny tornado for a little while, before bowing down to her like some nobles' greeting to one another.

The young lady giggled, "Take care, Sanji-san. Also, this means a lot to me as is. So really, thank you." She said, shifting towards the cafeteria exit. Nami hid behind the door, waiting for the chick to leave.

She gave Sanji a quick hug, before leaving the cafeteria. Of course, he was flustered, speechless, beet red, in love. After all, she was a lady. Nami cleared her throat, leaning on the cafeteria doorframe, which looked a little funny.

  "Nami..-san?" Sanji called, confused by her sudden appearance in front of him, she had a small frown on her face, and sighed.

  "I thought you'd be moping around, but seems like you're doing just fine." She deepened her tone, slightly bothered by having to search for him all over. "What a bother." Nami uttered to herself, about to walk away.

  "Eh? Wait, Nami-san, what do you mean? Moping around? Huh- Nami-san!" Sanji kept calling out for her, eventually running after Nami. She stopped in her tracks, startling him a little bit.

Nami turned around, her head down. She pushed her body against his and placed a finger on his chest, making small circles with it. "Hey.. Sanji-kun." She called him, he was baffled, his eyes widened at the sudden gesture.


Nami faced him, looking into his eyes with an innocent expression plastered on her face, as if she was some maiden jealous of her love. He silently gulped.

  "...You.. Sanji-kun.. won't leave us for someone else, right?" She asks him with pleading eyes, her fingers fiddling with the buttons of his shirt.

He shook his head on repeat, he was flushed, his heartbeat was audible, and it made her grin. "Who was that girl.. Sanji-kun?" She asks him, playing with his collar now.

  "I- uh.. She's-..." He couldn't speak properly, his nose almost on the verge of bleeding, his eyes were going around in circles, on the verge of passing out.

Nami sighed, disappointed. She then let go of him, as she let him pass out, dropping the act. "Well, if he won't explain it, then.. I hope this does." She says to herself, having stolen a small note the girl gave Sanji before she left.

She walked away, leaving him alone in the cafeteria to snap back by himself.

"Who is she.. anyway?! It's-" Nami fell quiet, deciding to just go back to the merry, to her room. She decided to open the note while walking.

"Thank you for the lunchbox, Sanji-san. As usual, of course. I enjoy your cooking, and the way you always run towards me whenever you see me, the way you brighten up when you hear my voice, I feel it too. Happiness. Joy. And, maybe.. Love? Sanji-san, I want to talk to you more, if possible... Outside of school!! Since I can't really say this face to face.. I like you, Sanji-san. I know we haven't known each other for long, so I hope we can spend more time together, really.

XX-XXX-XXX here's my number. I hope you feel the same.

Yours, u̴̢̠͎̲̗̮̤̥̪̖̦͈͕͛̈́̀̒̒̄̚͠️ṉ̵͓̬͈̞̥̭̥̇̓̔͋️c̸̛͕̯͂̐̓͗͊͛͝l̷̢̨̨̫̼͙̞͉̗͉̖̲̖̞̿̉ẹ̷͓̺̰̽̍͛̉̐̔͋̓̚͜â̸̙͐͑̌̿͛̽ŕ̶̛̰̱̈́̀́̑̿̾͛͂̈́͗̓̈́̒͘͝️  "

The tangerine could only stare at the paper, the letter, the.. love letter? For some reason, Nami felt tight knots in her stomach.. And her heart felt a little heavy, she frowned, subconsciously, maybe? She exhaled a breath she'd been holding for a while, slightly rubbing her temple. She went back to the Going Merry.


    Cerulean eyes landed on a gloomy yet confused Nami, and with an eyebrow raised, she smiled.

Nami secretly went down to the boys' room, putting the note under Sanji's pillow before getting caught.

"Nami." Robin called, standing by the beds, her arms crossed. As if she just caught her child sneaking into the kitchen in the middle of the night. Nami was startled, but relieved when she saw that it was Robin.

"Ah, Robin.. Can- can you keep it a secret?" The moment Nami asked this, she regretted it, she swore she almost saw a demon tail and two horns with that sly smile on Robin's face.

"Of course.. on one condition, yes?" Robin replies, keeping that smile. Nami was terrified, she felt like she was sweating nervously.

"...uh huh."

"Tell me every thing. ♡"

This is a chapter that remained in my drafts. I had discontinued this story since I didn't like how it turned out. But, I might pick it up in like a really long while later. So, for now, this story is discontinued.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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