7. Feelings with No Key

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HEY PEOPLE! I wanted to thank the readers who have been with me from my first fan fiction cause yes. I love you guys! And if you're new readers, check my previous completed Zorobin fanfics while waiting for further updates! Enjoy luvs!


Since Robin knew who Nami liked, she didn't try to do anything with Zoro, until Nami realises who she actually likes, Robin will make her move, that is if it's Sanji but wait.. Does she actually Like Zoro to begin with? Or is it just her perfect mask hiding her true happy self...


Nami was excused, so she went to the restroom, while Sanji decided to stick with the two if they try anything suspicious. Zoro fell asleep on the couch next to Robin, which annoyed Sanji but she didn't mind. Sanji kept Robin company until Nami or someone would arrive 'someone.. Just come already..' She thought to herself 'Zoro at least wake up..-' she thought again, it's not that she hated Sanji, it was rather uncomfortable to be talking with him, don't take her wrong, he's a funny guy to her, he's just too energetic and filled with jealousy from Zoro cause he slept on Robin's shoulder, the reason he's not waking Zoro up is cause Robin told him to be quiet, she likes to see his sleeping face, but now was seriously the time where she should go.. It's too awkward, a Jealous Ladies' man and a guy friend who is sleeping on her shoulder and her best friend who escaped to the restroom... She just wants to escape already. But she doesn't want to wake Zoro up, or leave without his notice, she doesn't know why, maybe it's cause she thinks it's impolite? Who knows.. Robin heard a Camera in action of taking a picture, so she looked at her right just to see a smirking Nami, who was actually a bit jealous on the inside but is trying to hide it, but Robin already knows her feelings. So she tells her in eye contact that it's just that he fell asleep with her notice, which was actually true. And that she didn't want to wake him up cause she heard that it would be rude.
So Nami said in eye contact as a reply that she'll wake him up if Robin wants to, which Robin nodded to.

So Nami pulled out a small rock that can actually hurt, and aimed it at Robin, Nami winked and pulled out her tongue as a naughty sorry, then threw it at her, but Robin she could easily Catch it, but Then she would wake Zoro up, Sanji didn't notice the rock, Zoro was sleeping...

Robin closed her eyes, expecting a hit, she didn't feel anything, and as predictable as it can be, it was Zoro's hand holding the small round rock while sleeping, he then opened his eyes noticing that he moved by accident, just to see his head on a woman's shoulder, with a view of an angry Blondie and a smirking Tangerine. He immediately raised his head from Robin's shoulder, which didn't surprise her, and threw the rock in the garbage which hit it exact.

"I-What?!" Exclaimed Zoro, Robin sighed as Sanji's blood started boiling, Nami pulled the blond haired away from them all the way to Luffy's room for distraction. Zoro pulled out his phone and texted Luffy that he's heading back home since he's tired and will be taking Robin with him cause she seemed to be worn out by Sanji. (NO DIRTY MINDED THOUGHTS I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT 💀)

"Come on, we're leaving." He said
"Wait what? How come?" Asked Robin confused as to why they're leaving, not that she's complaining. "You seem uncomfortable sitting around here, I'm also sorry for sleeping on your shoulder.." He looked away embarrassed at the end, which made Robin smile, he gave out his hand again in front of her, and with no hesitation, she accepted. The two eventually ended up going home in an Uber together, soon they reached their destination, Zoro got a call from Perona, he decided to answer it, while Robin was standing beside him not wanting to leave without saying goodbye properly.

"... What?! But it's literally almost Sunset!....You're kidding!.... "

".. Did, something happen?" Asked Robin Concerned. Zoro looked at his side were The Raven haired was standing. "Apparently no one's home. And I may or may not have kept the key with Perona, I didn't know that she will be going abroad, it will be some time till she comes back with the key, and my dad is coming back after three months." He ended his explanation at that. Robin was quiet for some time. "How about you sleep over at my place until your sister comes? Or at least sleep this night then figure out a way to get back in?" She suggested.

{AN}: You guys probably know what to do if this happened, but do note that I'm new to writing fan fics, so I'm still learning.

"I don't think that's a good idea, though.. " she added, The green haired was confused.
"Well, you know.. A guy and a woman alone? In the same house? It's different than you and your sister. " she cleared herself.
He then got it after what she just said, he nodded to himself in agreement, not that he'd do anything without her permission.
Robin then looked up just to notice that their balconies are close to each other, that's where an idea popped up in her head.

"How about.."


"The balcony? Your balcony is Open. You could simply go there, and since both of our balconies are so close, you can jump to your house." Said Robin. It left Zoro Dumbfounded for a while until he realized what she meant. "Oh, that's not a bad idea. I guess we can try it." And with that, the two are now on Robin's Balcony looking at Zoro's Balcony. "If you're good at these things then you should be able to sneak back in from here." Zoro nodded as he climbed all the way to his balcony. A moment of silence flew by as the man fixed his position while standing up, when he was done with that he looked at her balcony. She smiled as she said "well, goodbye now." as she took a step closer to that the indoors, "thanks." The green haired interrupted. "?" , "Thanks for letting me use your-uhh.. Balcony." He looked away with a hand behind his neck.
"Hm, you're welcome." She smiled gracefully as she went back inside her house.

"I'm such a dumbass." He sighed as he went back in to his own house.

Word count: 1109 words

I just now that I didn't write this whole chap just for two votes

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