Crystal snow

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They say once you fall in love it is the best thing which can ever happen to you. But sadly it wasn't for me. Don't get me wrong. I had the gold rush of  love. Promised myself that I will never ever let anything bad happen to you. Promised myself that I can give my life away for yours. Then why do I  feel is not meant to be, as if, this love is less of love and more of tragedy? It won't let us in a paradise, but it will perish us away. Burn us down. Leave a scare so deep it will be hard to revive.

I think. It is better if we just leave everything. Just the way it was. It hurts to say this. But I think I have fallen out of love with you.

Used to be yours,

He read it over and over again. No this is not true. His hands trembled.  "What the fuck he means by this!?" Yoongi exclaimed. "Ok. We know he is a prankster and loves to prank. Its must be definitely a joke like a 1000% sure!" Hoseok said chuckling stepping back clearing the hair out of his face. "Yes...yes... we will get him with a better joke." Jungkook said giggling a himself not wanting to belive what he read.

"Fuck this shit...will someone call the staff! He was supposed to return today!" Taehyung said. It was not to be told twice as jimin dialed one of the numbers. "Hello? Staylist noona? Yes it's me jimin...yes good afternoon. Noona, I wanted to ask where is jin hyung? Like you went for his solo shoot as well right? Oh he left the airport.... no no it's not like that....he didn't reached home...maybe he might be with his parents you know he must have missed them. Don't worry. Ok bye. Thankyou" jimin kept the phone down.

They all looked at him with anticipation. "She said that he did came back with them from the same flight. And then he left in his private car......." jimin said. "Phone...I'll call him wait." Namjoon said retrieving his phone from back pocket. "Seokjin" he pressed on the caller ID, sending a call. 3 anticipate and agonizing rings later he heard, "hello?"

"Hello hyung?" Namjoon said. "Its not seokjin...its me his brother. Good afternoon namjoon shi." He heard the kind voice of jin's elder brother. "Good afternoon hyung...umm where is jin hyung?" Namjoon asked. "Oh...he is in other room..wait...did he not informed you guys?" He heard the surprised voice of his brother. "About?" Namjoon asked. " ohh am so sorry namjoon....he forgot to inform you that he is staying with us for few days. This kid. Wait I'll call him." And that way he heard a seokjin come here! From other side as namjoon waited. Wanting the older come on the phone with his smug voice and say you guys got the letter? And I know yall are pranked but then no.

"Hello.. " Jin said in a deep tone. "Hyung! Why didn't you said us you were staying at your brothers place! We were so worried!" Namjoon said. He heard jin taking a long sigh. "Didn't you got my letter? I am sorry namjoon. I dont think i can keep going anymore. Hope will meet soon" Jin said as he heard the call end. Unsaid words and questions flowed down in form of warm salty tears. Down his cheek. "Joon...hyung what did he said....." jimin asked shaking him up.

"He really meant what he wrote..." namjoon whispered. Jimin stood there frozen. Yoongi kept looking at namjoon. Jungkook wanted to say something but his soft heart was too soft for this as his tears were not able to stop. Taehyung stood there confused. What the hell just happened?
Hoseok he stood there with a frown. This is not what he meant....

They sat there in the living room. Too silent, so silent that the house seemed dead. They were confused. What the hell just happened? What the fuck did the older meant he fell out of love with them? How? Why? "Namjoon...." yoongi whispered. "Hmm.." namjoon hummed sadly. "Why will he do that? Did we do something?" Yoongi asked. "Dont know hyung...." namjoon said lowely. "He...he found someone better than us?" Taehyung abruptly spoke. "He might have...or else how can he fall out of us?" Hoseok said. "Is it......that....Ken? Or that....sanduel? Or......." but jungkook didn't completed he just cried. "Ok enough! We will meet him tomorrow and get the truth out!" Jimin yelled. So loud that after he was done bts kept staring at him not sure whether he was ok or not.

"Yes!" Namjoon agreed getting up. Determined. "Yes we will ask." He said as he walked back in his room. The next morning they woke up. They somehow had managed to live alone past one month that the older was gone.

They ate their meal quickly as they raced towards their company wanting to see the older. They entered the studio there he sat his legs crossed writing something down on a paper. "Hyung!" The youngest chimed in. Jin looked up his hair on his head. He nodded once he saw bts. He never did that! "Hyung!" Jungkook again said as this time the oldest raised his head only to get engulfed in a tight hug by the youngest. The oldest sat there awkwardly as he contemplated whether or whether not to return  the hug. He went against it as he put his hand back down. "Hyung! Tell us you were joking and you will come back to us and live with us and be with us forever and ever!" Jungkook screamed. Jin sighed.

"Hyung don't stay silent! Say something! " jimin said. "Yes hyung whatever you wrote and told namjoon Was a lie!" Hoseok said. " sure you won't just leave us after living with us for 10 years!" Namjoo  said. "We are precious to you!" Yoongi said with plead in his eyes. "You too are precious to us hyung!" Taehyung said. Jin retrived his hand back which he was about to keep on jungkook's back to comfort him, because that boy was a crying mess. But he decided against it.

As he sat there. Silent. As jungkook kept crying. Pleading him to hug him back. As the other members watched him with the same plead in their own eyes. Hoseok, who started to feel bad for his maknea who was crying in jin's arms but jin didn't responded, pulled the younger off the oldest. "I am sorry. But....I think, I fell out of love from you guys. It it isn't your fault. Maybe mine. Maybe I lack somewhere and you definitely deserve better than me. So please excuse me, I have some work to do guys and mine planner for next comback is here....yours on the can take a look" Jin said walking out of the room, leaving bangtan as a surprised bunch of kids.

He walked out fast sliding his coat on. There were no gloves. Silly him. Forgot to get his gloves once again. He breath out as fog left. It was snowing. Winter was finally here.

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