studio pt2

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An:- the author finally decided to write a pt2.

//Tw// mentions of sexual abuse. Mental abuse. R*pe

What will they say? If he speaks up. If he tells the world. What will they think? Was it his fault? What did he do? What do he do? 
His career his life, his respect was at a stake. Stake of being hated. Unwanted. Something in between he was struggling and he doesn't know. What to do. So he must keep quite. Let it slip, it will go away soon life will move on. Will go on, and just keep going and he will forget it.

That's what will happen. Only if it wasn't for the nightmares. Every day. Every single day. And the weired yet terrifying stomach ach he'd get. Therapy? He should have gone. But for that he'd need to tell someone. Most importantly them. He'd need to tell them. And he doesn't. It isn't like he doesn't wants to, but he practically can not.

Because he was their hero. He was a person in the whole company whom the boys looked forward to. And him telling them someone they always look upto is some how like seokjin will steal away the 'hero' everyone adored. No he wasn't a hero either. But he never had hurted rest of them anyways seokjin knows. He always stayed closed to them whenever he was around. At the same time he tried to stay away as far as possible if that make any sense.

He was in a dilemma. Dilemma with his own self. His enemy. And his mind. Everything which surrounded him somehow was a dilemma for him. Somehow he lived. In hopes of if it goes,it gets buried deep in the grounds.

And that is exactly what happened. He left their company. One day out of the blue. Seokjin had prayed that day that he should never work or make anyone suffer what he made seokjin through. He lived his life.

With fear however. Fears from past. And fears that what if they cross their paths once again. He'd have to go through it all once again. Live the hell once again, and he didn't wanted that to happen.

So every single day, week or month he'd get reminded of the terrible nightmare that happened with him. And he could tell what was wrong with him to the person who'd see him wake up in cold sweat every day. Yoongi. His technical soulmate. They'd discuss from everything to things which were quite private to both of them. No one had as close bond as yoongi and jin.

They knew each other like the back of their hands. At least jin knew him like the back of his hand. But yoongi? He didn't knew something which always bothered his precious roommate.

And jin was persistent to tell him the same.

And then the day came he feared the worst. He came back. That man. No that monster, he came back. But jin was stronger now, right. He will fight him off this time right? Won't let him think he was smaller. Right? Right? Wrong. Just so very wrong.

Because the moment he saw him. He still felt the disgusting eyes of his roam around his body. Still felt that smirk. Those words. Everything. It was like he had seen this film before. But he didn't liked the ending. But he had to be courageous and careful. So he did that.

But then. That cold, boney, tight hand. On his thigh. He felt those nails digging in his skin, felt the blood despite of the thick clothed pants he wore. It was just a feeling he hated. Wanted to get rid of. So he ran. Once again.

"Hyung" jin woke up. "Ah.." The bitter hurt still somewhere in his stomach. He looked around..and yoongi had brown hair? When did yoongi changed his hair colour. And...and how did his room grew so much...smaller? The familiar smell of his old room was lingering around. That old smelly dusty close- wait. It was his old room.

"Yoongi?" He asked questioning. "Hyung you didn't came home the whole night we were so worried. And then you came back early morning...." yoongi said turning around to put the clothes away. Was it really the night that everything happ-

"ah" he moaned keeping his hands on his stomach closing his eyes in a painful expression. "Is something wrong hyung? Does it hurt somewhere? You came back so early in morning and you just slept and you were saying something in your sleep. Like get away from me....don't touch me and you are drunk.....were you dreaming something terrible?" Yoongi asked looking at him his eyes concerned.

Jin blinked twice. This wasn't dream. He was dreaming. All those years of silence were dreamnt. But then...but then.....will he come back...but the case will...he..have to see him again?

"Hyung" jin gasped a little looking up. Yoongi sat beside him. His sturdy hands wiping the sweat which broke around his face and his body. "Is everything good? You don't look good. Does it hurt too much?" Yoongi asked looking in his eyes. Should he speak. Or should he remain silent? Waiting dreading for the day for him to return? In pain and fear?

Maybe he could change, something. "Yoo...yoongi ah..." If he never speaks they'll never know. "Hyung?" Yoongi asked creasing his hair. "I..I. have to tell something......" he stuttered a bit. " listening" yoongi said in his low warm voice.


"You are sentenced to 40 years of imprisonment for sexual assault on Mr. Kim seokjin based on the evidences obtained. 6 months of imprisonment service for mentally abusing a citizen. 12 months of imprisonment for physical abuse and alcohol abuse. And to be fair with it.

For the crimes you have committed those years in imprisonment are lesser and you deserve to stay in a jail cell all alone for the rest of your life. But am afraid am bounded by the law. The court pleades to treat Mr. Kim with the same amount of respect he had before the incidence and hopes that he gets the necessary therapy and treatment to heal from the trauma. The court is dismissed."

"Am so fucking happy that bitch ass doubled faced bitch got the punishment he deserved" hoseok huffed sitting on the couch. "I agree. He deserves more than what was given to him but guess we all are bounded by the law" namjoon sighed sitting beside hoseok.

Taehyung replied with a sigh which was tired. "Where is hyung?" Jimin asked. "He will spend the night with his family....they wanted him to stay close with them for a bit" yoongi said. "Understandable. I just wanna squeez hyung in a tight hug and tell him he did so good fighting for the truth." Hoseok said. "And being so brave" jungkook said.  "I love him a lot." Namjoon added. "We all do." Yoongi replied.

"Hey when jin hyung comes back from his home we should not have gloomy faces at all! We should try to make him happy! Remember what the therapist said, for him things being normal is the best way to feel calm and pleased. He wants everything to be normal!" Jimin reminded. They all nodded vigorously determined to get their hyung out of the pain he was in.

"Well...for that. We must stay strong, for hyung" jungkook said. They all nodded. "And as hyung says to stay strong one must eat let us eat our dinner...and rest for the night. We all are tired from the ongoing proceedings of the court." Yoongi said. "Yeah. Deadass tired." Namjoon said. "So I will fix a quick meal for yall...go and wash your butts up" yoongi said sighing and getting up as the others retrived in their rooms.

Yoongi opened the door leading to the kitchen. Only to be met by a table kept with neatly place pots filled with the good food. And a card on top. Yoongi smiled walking to the table and picking the card up.

"Thankyou for believing me ....I will always be grateful of you all. I will come back soon till then take care my cute little babies

-Jin "

Yoongi smiled.

An:-Took me too much long time to start writing a sorry for the delay.

But....if it good?

Edit:-hehe had to republish

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