First love(yoonjin)

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An:- this is kinda inspired by one yoonjin book I read with the name awake. You should read it too...its really cute and heartwarming :)

Jin was yoongi's first and last love. Saw him first time as a tall shy red cheeked teenager, asked him out right after their debut and proposed him to be his boyfriend after getting their first ever win at a music showcase. Yoongi too was jin's first and last love. Sure he dated, but with yoongi he felt loved. And he was more than happy about it. Life was just perfect for him. With eventual ups and downs.

"So, yoongi what do you think about each member? Especially your boyfriend, jin...?" The interviewer asked smiling. Yoongi smiled back, "umm well.....we have know each other for so long now we have seen each other grow up and am proud of each one of them, for our leader namjoon, he has always taken really good care of us and have taught us so many things and keeps leading us towards our goals and am really grateful and thankful for having him." Yoongi said. Namjoon smiled wide giving his dimples.

"Hoseok, he was the first guy I met and loved a lot from the first go. He is a really loving and caring friend that everyone needs in their lives. And I guess he has always taught me to be happy...." yoongi said. Hoseok smiled too putting his hand around his neck. "Jiminie has always worked hard and have came this far and am really proud of him, I remember he and I used to be so cute back then and he has just gotten more cute...." yoongi said. Jimin blushed hiding his face away in taehyung. "Taehyung was a kid when he came to us, but look at him now, all grown up. But he still have that hint of innocence to him which makes him so lovable and kind" yoongi said. Taehyung gave him his famouse boxy smile and buried his face in jimin's head just like jimin did.

"Jungkook was just a kid when he came. I remeber he used to be shorter than me and now he has grown so tall. It's just like I have raised him." Yoongi said. Jungkook just gave him his shy smile. Yoongi finally turned to jin, "as for jin hyung, I won't say nice things just because he is my boyfriend. He first is my bandmate and friend and my hyung and that is what am going to stay. He used to be shy and sweet and beautiful. And I loved him for that." Yoongi said. Jin smiled back at him. That is what he really thinks about each one of them. His sweet group of friends. Who are like his family apart from his own family. The interview went on for another 10 or so minutes. Ending on good terms and the boys leaving back to their home.

Once back and changed, they were on dinner table talking and talking their way away. As they ate their food. Yoongi too talked and talked. But for a while he got out of the conversation just to observe his members. The way namjoon talked about this dog he met the other day in park with the amount lf enthusiasm, he how carefully he went in for the details like a good observer he is. Yes yoongi is correct about him.

Then he looked at taehyung who was busy teasing hoseok with his bean  between teeth. Yes he was a child in an adults body who knew very well to let his adult out and his inner child let take over him. Then he looked at hoseok who too rolled his eyes and giggled making taehyung giggle more. He looked how jungkook ate with his eyes wide  cheeks full of food. He smiled. Yup he was definitely right, he saw Jin making jimin laugh as jimin his his head behind his hands as he laughed hard and so did jin. Yup he was right about them. Jin was a really shy bean and jimin is a really bold and attractive young person.

"So guys...." namjoon asked everyone looked up. "Are y'all songs finished? We need to put the album together too..." namjoon reminded them. "Ahh well yes! My song is done...." hoseok said. "Even mine." Taehyung said. "So is mine!" Jungkook said. "Me too mine is done as well..." jimin said. "Same here." Yoongi said. "It seems like everyone's songs are complete so can we listen to them tomorrow?" Namjoon said smiling. "Um....mine, I have a little bit of work to do on it.........if you don't mind....." Jin said. "Oh will it be done by tomorrow? " namjoon asked. "Yes...i guess..." Jin said a little hesitant. "So that is it! Tomorrow in evening we are going to listen to the songs each one of us produced is it all good?" Namjoon said. They all said an excited yes.

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