In law and In-laws

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An:- i wanted to do this trope for so long T_T but I dont know how will it turn out hope you guys like it!

Trope:- inlaw conflict

Ship:- namjin

Angst:- just a little bit

Level of angst:- low

"So did you like it?" Yoongi asked as Namjoon removed his headset. "Damn hyung your albums gonna be an instant hit!" Namjoon said clasping his hands together. "Oh please, not like Jimin's type of good but hey-" "It is even better than my album!" Jimin chimed in with a pout on his lips. "Ok ok..." "no it really is!" Jimin insisted nudging yoongi.

"No i think yours was better." Yoongi said gently, "whatever, I ship you two!" Namjoon said a dimpled smile popping off. "Yah Namjoon ah!" Yoongi whined. And Jimin laughed off. "Anyways, did you told hyung about your mom visiting you twos house?" Yoongi asked once Jimin quited down. Namjoon sighed, "you know how he is" Namjoon mumbled. "Come on Jin hyung wont kill you if you'll tell him that your mom is visiting!" Jimin said.

"Oh you dont know Jimin!" Namjoon said. "Come on we have lived 10 years together do you think we might not know Jin hyung that well, am pretty sure Jin hyung will adjust!" Jimin said, "And I have lived with Namjoon for past 13 years even before he married Jin hyung and I can tell you that the way Namjoon is saying it, it really means hyung hates Namjoon's mother." Yoongi said.

"Come on hyung was so nice to her on the wedding day! We all have seen it!" Jimin said. "Chim I think you keep forgetting that my husband is an professional actor before he was a singer." Namjoon said. "Oh really? Then what about your mom? Was she acting too?" Jimin asked raising an eyebrow.

"Jimin- his mother was an real estate agent why do you keep forgetting" yoongi said shaking his head. "Well that has nothing to do with acting" Jimin said. "Easte angents are all actors! Even if the place is shit they gotta act like its gold to lure the people to buy the place!" Yoongi said. Namjoon nodded, "she sold 50 shit ass place with no future whatso ever at the orignal overprice." Namjoon said. "Are you calling Jin hyung a piece of-" "AM NOT! I can never! Its just that they both don't like each other that's it." Namjoon said.

"Oh...." Jimin mumbled, "but then namjoon. Your mom is going to be here like tomorrow.......wouldn't it be nice to tell hyung right now instead of him getting surprised?" Yoongi said. "I know... I know i gotta tell Jin today... somehow."


"Wow this dinner in my favorite restaurant AND icecream? You must be planning something!" Jin said smiling wide, one of his hand held a popsicle from a convenience store and the other dwindled in Namjoon's arm. "Can't I treat my beloved to some good food and Icecream? Do i always need a reason to do so?" Namjoon said smiling gently, (although internally he was reciting his words to break to jin that someone he don't like will be with them for the next one week)

"Ummm I guess not, but this was the same way you asked me out and this was the same way you asked me to marry you so" Jin said shrugging his shoulder. "Well they say the way to a man's heart is through is stomach!" Namjoon replied. "You are a wise man me all around the palm of your hand" jin said raising his eyebrow. "Well.... and you got me all aroud your pinky" Namjoon said suddenly holding the waist instead of the arm.

"Yah! We are in public! What if someone sees us!" Seokjin panicked his cheeks getting tinted pink and eyes widening. "Let them see" Namjoon whispered pulling Seokjin closer to him, with no chance to leave him. "Ahhh Kim Namjoon!" Seokjin squirmed around trying to set himself free. "And should i call you Miss Jin?" Namjoon said with a cheeky grin.

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