will you listen? pt2

866 46 15

Little space au
Age regressed=not yet decided

He listened everything. From the territory of his room. The desperate cry. Cries to be forgiven for a sin never committed. The desperate attempts of his friend, to calm him down were going in vain as yoongi sat still, back clung to the door.

He made a grave mistake.

Meanwhile on the other side the said little was miserable. Crying and chocking on his own tears repeating his apologies. Jimin held him tightly whispering sweet things to reassure him that he was one of the most precious being the world could have ever given to them. Jungkook was just scared what to do?

He got up knowing what might help, he grabbed his phone and dialed in the number which might help.


Namjoon stood outside of the studio. He knocked once, if yoongi was in there. But no response. "Hyung its me namjoon....I want to fetch jin hyung's laptop....he left it in your studio" namjoon called out incase his hyung was deep in work and needed no unwanted people in.

"Oh...but yoongi shi left about 3 hours ago" the guard who was passing by the studio said. "He left?" Namjoon said a bit terrified somehow. The guard nodded and went ahead to his work.  Namjoon a bit unsure punched in the code to yoongi's studio.

With a ding, the door unlocked. He went in, there it was, seokjin's laptop sitting on the desk. Namjoon grabbed it, an uncanny feeling down his stomach for some weired reason. The studio seemed like the way it was. Infact it wasn't the studio making him feel this way. It has to be something else.

He flinched up a bit, feeling the vibrating of his cell phone in his track pants. "Aish you" namjoon mumbled. Picking the laptop he scraped his phone out. Not really looking at the caller id he answered. "Namjoon hyung..." Not much was to be said later because  namjoon heard the inconsolable cries which screamed through the cell speakers.


Jin sniffled but the tears didn't stopped. He disappointed everyone. His little mind just knew he was someone who was being intrusive in here. Was it his fault? Was it something he did? Something he said? For 'yoonie' to get mad at him so badly?

There was another part of his mind, the adult jin which somehow knew everything and was having a conscious knowing of it all but was too numb to come up and give his little self a break. And so he cried because what else can he honestly do? His small self had always been in there, part of which was taken care by his family.

But it never really was a regression until he came in bangtan. When he became the responsible for 6 people and more, his little side felt ignored and attention deprived and that was what made little jin appear up in front of everyone. When it first happened his little side was happy and satisfied because he finally got the attention he needed. 

But the adult in him was disappointed and that was the time the little felt like he made a mistake by showing up in the first place. But over the time as his members made him more comfortable and adult Jin mostly never minded the little in him. But, did his little self deserved the care? Moreover, how yoonie hated him....did all of them hated him? 

fresh new tear forming in and his body falling in the trap of exhaustion but his mind still holding those thousand question of his ligitmacy. "Jin..." he looked up, it was Namjoon. when did he came in?  He blinked those tears falling moistening the cold wet cheeks. Namjoon let out a sadnning coo and asked, "why are you crying baby?".

 "yoonie ha..hate jinnie..Jinnie bad.. Jinnie sorry.... Jinnie sorry a..appa.." jin said his voice ruff and heavy. Namjoon smiled a little pulling Jin closer to him, "Jinnie is not bad..." Namjoon began. "Rewlly" jin asked. "Really baby." Namjoon said his voice holding assurance. 

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