Swipe pt2

615 38 13

An:- trope:- fluff

Ship:- jinkook

"Ok jungkook you can do it" he mumbled opening the fridge. He was greeted by some eggs, and the meat pack that apparently his (in normal circumstances his hyung's) mum gifted.

Taking the eggs and a bowl out. He cracked the eggs. "That wasn't hard at all" He mumbled, smiling to himself he put the pan on the stove, "now all I need to do is put the egg on the pan and it'll cook....." he said, he put the eggs on the pan. But...something just didn't seemed right- "Why aren't they cooking?" He wondered to himself, he lifted the Pan up wondering what could have been possibly wrong.

And....he found the problem. The stove wasn't on, "oh..." he mumbled. "I dont know......" he sighed realizing he still doesn't knows how to turn the stove on.
"How do I do..." he said getting a little teary eyed. Hey come on no one ever put him under this pressure often. Last time he was under the pressure was when he had given the audition for being a member all alone.

"Hyung if possible please make me an omelet..." "hyung we are already late....." "fired eggs sounds good"

Their voice echoed in his head. He took a deep breath in, and turned the switch on. "Ok ok ok jungkook ok..." he mumbled. He could clearly smell the petroleum escaping through the burner. "I have to be quick" he repeated under his breath. Looking around for the lighter. "Come on come on quick" he muttered looking over at the counter.

But there was no sign of the lighter. "Shit" he muttered looking around for the petroleum smell was taking over his sense. "Hyung can you- Oh my god the stove is on!" Yoongi's panicked voice echoed as he switched the stove off. "Ah yoongi" Jungkook said trying not to sound out of the usual. "Hyung where were you looking it could have been dangerous!" Yoongi scolded. "Ah..am so sorry yoongi I..I was trying to find the lighter...." jungkook said.

"Aish hyung it's litreally kept here!" Yoongi said magically pulling out the lighter from a corner jungkook sweared he looked over at.

"Oh.... oh" Jungkook mumbled. "Ahh hyung you wasted the egg!" Yoongi mumbled, "what's wrong with you!" Yoongi mumbled almost as if irritated. "Ah...am so sorry yoongi ah...I how about I look over for the papers and you make the breakfast?" Jungkook said knowing he knew about the track papers.

"Yeah that's sounds better." Yoongi mumbled and Jungkook got his cue to leave and look for the papers. He knew what he had to take for he had worked with Yoongi on it. Taking all the papers which had his recognizable handwriting and put them all in a stack. "Hyung hyung hyung I'll be out of the shower in few minutes please drive us to school!" Seokjin said rushing past Jungkook into the bathroom.

Jungkook's eyes widen in realization, "shit" he mumbled under his breath. "What do I do" he stressed out....afterall he did not knew how to drive a car. "Uhhh....." he groaned. "What if!" He suddenly exclaimed with the most amazing idea strucking to him. "Seokjin!" He called out, "what?" Jin called out from the bathroom. "Ummm am awfully late for university! I gotta leave-" "HYUUUUNG" He heard the whiney cry from the door.

"Am sorry but I really really need to-" "no hyung you gotta wait am really late!" He heard jin's voice. Jungkook frowned, "Yah seokjin you better get to your school on your own!" He said crossing his arms closing his eyes in certainty. Now it's his time to do excatly what Jin did to him.

"Hyung you are meaaaaan" He heard the whine. "Let me be mean" Jungkook said with a smirk. "Ahhhhhhh" Seokjin's voice echoed. "Like you like me" jungkook said to himself. But now he  really must get out of the house for well he must get to the university *without the extra hard work*

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