
943 32 43

An:- little space au!
Age of regression:- not decided yet

Trope:- angst
Level of angst:- low

"I will go when the time comes."

"Your application of cancelation of extension of mandatory civil service has been accepted. You may now apply for the service as soon as possible with the age limit already has been passed. Further delays can lead to strict actions and will be considered as a punishable offense."

He sighed folding the white letter and keeping it on his desk, he turned around. The time is here.

He took a deep breath in, and walked out. The morning commotion were slow, just the way he was used to. Warm mellow light falling in the room taking over the peace. He stopped in his trails the moment his eyes fell on the sight ahead him. His hands going up to his waist,

Bits of paper on the ground, finely cut into smallest of bits possible, as the metallic snips of blades of a pair scissors got him. "Jung Hoseok" he said, he heard a whine but no further response jin frowned, this wasn't what he expected early morning. "Hobi?" But he got no response. He sighed, "seokie?"

"Seokie no do no bad" he abruptly answered. Jin rolled his eyes, "I spy with my little eye-" he began, "That seokie is the best boy!" Hoseok beamed slamming the scissors down on the coffee table. Seokjin flinched but maintained his act, "no....I spy with my little eyes....that my sweetest boy...." hoseok giggled, Jin smiled a little,

"Is being a bad boy" seokjin said frowning. The giggles stopped, "NOOO" "he is being a very very bad boy-" "Aniyoooooo" "and very rude." "nooo" Jin bent down, taking the scissors in his hands, "didn't I told seokie when he feels that he is little he shouldn't touch these?" Jin said taking the pair of scissors in his hands, "you did" hoseok said head going down, "and didn't I said that you should not cut the news paper down" he said.

Hoseok looked down ashamed, "seok?" Jin called, "seokie sorry" hoseok said, seokjin smiled gently ruffling out the mop of a hair, "you know right seokie can get hurt with scissors. And I don't want seokie to get hurt" he said keeping his hand on the soft cheeks.

"Jinnie no want seokie hurt hurt" hoseok said looking up with the most puppy eyes he ever had. Seokjin melted, "Alright alright enough of this buttering now no more playing with scissors and clean the mess up while I wake others ok?" He said. Hoseok smiled wide getting up picking up the picks of papers. Meanwhile seokjin picked the devil and put it somewhere where the sunshine's mind could never take him to.

With his responsible steps he walked in the grey streaked room. Grey carpet, off white desk a light grey chair nestled near the window a white with gold stand lamp beside for when it gets dark, a glow in the room which held was that of mature sophisticated person who loves guitars and music as a black glossy acoustic guitar rested peacefully on the covered keyboard.

He took his move towards the silver king sized bed on which slept his ex roommate snugly around the body pillow his plain black tshirt rolled up slightly from back. He smiled and sat beside him.

Keeping his hand on his shoulder he slightly and gently nudged, "yoongi ah...wake up" Jin said, he just groaned and turned around, Jin sighed and unfurled the pale hands of yoongi from the pillow. It earned him a whine and puffy faced yoongi opening his eyes. Jin cooed seeing the cat eyes gloss up with tears, "no no no..." he said gently pulling yoongi up making him sit.

"It's already 9 am yoongi ah we all slept in" he said gently tugging at the black shirt down. He just whined and hugged seokjin his nose resting on jin's chest. Jin sighed, "come on wake up" he said softly, he? He just lifted his arm and pointed his finger in a direction, whining when jin didn't noticed it.

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