Give up (pt2)

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An:- alright. Give up pt2 here. Honestly speaking.....after pt1 I had no clue what will I write in pt2 and I still don't got a clue might not be that good....

Mentions of bl**d

"No where the hell is he?" Namjoon asked banging the desk. "Namjoon if i knew I wouldn't have been the one who would get shocked either." The director of the company said. "Someone just got disappeared from our company and you got no clue? This is irresponsible" yoongi said.

"I get you namjoon am sorry-" "he might be hurt....." taehyung mumbled. "Oh so you care now?" He heard someone say. "We want to know where he is. He did came here right?" Jungkook asked. "As far as I can tell he was here..." one of the staff member said. "But where is he now?" Hoseok asked. "We don't know....we just saw him coming in...." they said.

"This is impossible. I am going to sue you, and you and you and the whole company!" Jungkook said standing up going around, "this is careless, a breech of security. How can this huge multi million worth company staff be so careless and irresponsible that one of the member go missing and none of you all saw him expect him coming. None of you know anything about him this is nuisance I am suing each one of you. Each one of you!" Jungkook said pointing fingers out and forgetting the honorific.

"Jungkook jung-" but jimins calls were of no use as jungkook stomped out of the room. "You better find him soon. Or if not jungkook I am suing you and your corporation for sure" namjoon said in his deep low voice getting out.

The possibilities of him being lost, quite possibly hurt, very much, bleeding, were high. So high. That it sacred them, so much, it scared taehyung to the depths of his bones, for some reason which was so unexpected with contrast to what happened just few hours ago that it scared him terribly, for some reason.

"What do we do?" Hoseok asked. "What can we do?" Yoongi said. "It scares me even to think the...the blood...stains...might....might be his" jungkook said. "Was it yesterday...." taehyung mumbled. "We should look for him ourselves I don't have any hopes from them" namjoon said, it wasn't to be mentioned but he didn't trusted the company nor the staff for the obvious reasons they encountered.

"I just want him back" jimin mumbled. "Me too" taehyung mumbled. "Wouldn't you be responsible of something happens to him?" Taehyung looked up. It wasn't them. It wasn't fact it wasn't him...not jin. It was he himself. At the base of all wrongs. Everything that happened happened because of him. Yes he should be rightfully the one who should be responsible, should be the one held for all the faults.

It was him who was at the wrong yesterday. It wasn't him who was the one at the fault, it wasn't him playing victim card no it wasnt him. He was rather taking the part of trying to make things better make taehyung understand how he could make things right. But he had to be the one making it wrong. It has to be him.

His eyes felt heavy and tired. Too heavy to hold on the weight. So he let go of a bit, fresh salt water tears ran down his cheeks. "It was all my fault...." he mumbled.. if anything happens to seokjin it will be "because of me..." it wasn't him who "made me cry last night" ...realized it a little late but, "I was the one at the fault...." it wasn't him trying to victimize himself rather, "it was me who tried to play the victim..."

Had it been better..if "I had apologized to him....instead of every thing..." maybe...this day would have been different if, "I hadn't made a big deal of it." Maybe just maybe...."I can change time..." he'd..."change the minds of members....." he'd tell them, "it wasn't him who was wrong...." all along it was, "me I was the one who was wrong..." it wasn't him trying to fight, "it was me...who wanted to fight." It wasn't him trying to boss around with the eldest card, "he was trying to protect me with the eldest card."

Would things be better only if "I would say sorry?"

Taehyung... he blinked his eyes. Vision fogged up. "Taehyung ah..." it was a voice. He closed his eyes tight. Then opened them, "taehyung ah..." the honey warm voice dripping sweetness touched his soul. He turned, it was seokjin. Infact he was in his room.

"Hyung-" taehyung spoke up not wasting a moment with the memories of the blood stained jacket flooding him. He rushed seokjin in a bone crushing embrace. "Hyung..." his voice came out in a whisper.

"Taehyung ah" Seokjin's voice came back, his hand gently patting the youngers back as tears wetted his shirt. But he didn't minded it.

"Hyung" taehyung began in a broken voice looking in seokjin eyes. "Taehyung am sorry....I did not meant to make you sad...I just-" "hyungie am sorry" taehyung said holding close to seokjin. "No no tae"

"hyung I didn't meant to do what I did. You have complete right to scold me, to hit punish me it was all me..hyung am sorry you were trying to teach me but I was the one who tried to victimize the whole thing am sorry hyung am so sorry hyung..." taehyung cried out holding on seokjin.

"Taehyung ah" jin said eyes closed in worry holding taehyung closer. "Am not mad" he said. "But but hyung you you are hurt...and.. and lost...and...and jungkook is going to sue...the company and and...he said...he will sue the staff...and..and the director..." taehyung said in between his attempts to take deep breaths to calm himself.

"No taehyung alright. Am not hurt...and am not lost" jin said pulling taehyung's chin up making him look in his eyes. He looked the same when he left from concert. "" Taehyung asked. "Am alright voo...nothing happened to me.." jin said smiling a little.

"Then...then..that...that..." "that must be a dream tae...just a dream am alright...we left for our dorms together
.remember? We had our dinner and sorted the things out remember? " jin said. Taehyung nodded a little flashes of memories coming in.

"Hyung..." taehyung began in a sad whisper. Jin nodded to acknowledge him. "Am sorry" he said. "Aish you kid....hyung was never mad at you" jin said hugging taehyung. He hugged back in the arms where he had always felt warm and safe.

"Hyung is sorry too" jin said. Taehyung shook his head vigorously. " was all me hyung all me not you-" "taehyung ah...sorry doesn't makes anyone smaller." Jin mumbled, looking in taehyung's eyes. Taehyung smiled a little and hugged jin once again, "thankyou hyung for always being there for me" he mumbled. Jin hugged tighter, "thankyou for being there for me too"

An:- so after a very long time right? I said I'd post by Saturday, but sadly it wasn't completed by then *which is so unbelievable cause the chapter was so short than I expected* am sorry about that....

Hope you guys liked this part....gosh it feels like awfully long time since I wrote some nice things you know. Since my vacations have started *which will last till next monday* you can expect some updates ♡♡♡ take care guys.

I luv you 💜

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