First sight pt2

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"No, let's not go in here" namjoon's sister said turning away from the entrance. "Why?" Her friends asked. "Cause I got a baby to take care of, and she is hungry and will take time so yeah..." she said. "Oh come on, it won't take that long either...also the baby is asleep. And as far as I know bangtan loves kids, so don't worry" her friends said pulling her in.

"Oh baby please keep sleeping so that I can get out of here quickly without you crying." She mutters. As they sat and waited. About 10 minutes later they were called in. The baby still sleeping. "Oh thanks she will sleep away through the way." But she was too quick to judge as the baby opened her eyes smiling and giggling looking at her. "Oh keep sleeping" she said trying to get her sleep again. "Ahh it's very beautiful." She heard namjoon's voice. The baby turns her neck to see namjoon. "Da!" She squeals in excitement. Here they go

(Namjoon pov)
I smile as I sign the album for one of the fans. They smiled back at me excited and then I talk for a minute or two with them. I felt a shiver down my spine. Something was off. But what? I was sensing something or specifically someone, but who there are so many people who could possibly hold that special place.

I ignore it trying to focus on the next fan. The next fan arrives. I look up, she was masked up but those eyes. "Yo-" but I get cut of with a "da!" I look down. "My baby!" I exclaimed. There she was smiling with her round chubby cheeks. "I swear I would kill you if you were not my sister holding my daughter why did you bring her?" I said. "I can explain!" She said. "Da!" My baby whine. "Oh, heck give me my daughter." I say trying to get her. "What are you nuts namjoon? She won't come back to me, she will cling to you....I just wanna get out of here as soon as possible!" She was right I take my hand back. The baby starts to whine repeating da da.

"Why did you brought her here?" I asked. "Oh namjoon, my friends! They pulled me here! You know they don't know that you are my brother!" She said. "You should've said no!" I said. "I never knew they were bringing me and the baby to you!" She exclaimed . "Next." The manager says. I look at her. "Just don't let jin take her from your arms or else She will never come back to you. And it will be hard" "next!" Manager repeates again. "Da..." my baby says. My sister nods as she gets up. All I can hear is whines from her. I hope the other members don't  recognize her.

"Aww, your baby is so cute!" I heard jimin exclaim. Ofcourse she is cute. "Gee thanks" my sister says. But she kept whining looking at me. Saying da. "Umm, she is a little hungry soo she is kinda whiney sorry about that...." she said. "No need for that!" Jimin says. As he reaches out for her. "Da!" She whines looking at me. I try my best to avoid. I can not let go or else they will know. I can just pray jin doesn't let's go. Because then it will be hard.

(Jin pov)

I heard whines and soft cries. They were familiar. I look up. My eyes met the ones which were similar to namjoon's. "She is mine!" I exclaim and say. "I know" i look up to be met by namjoon's sister's eyes. "What are you doing here?" I say trying to take my daughter from her arms. "I explained it to namjoon, and long story short at the moment I need to get outta here so please dont take her in your arms she won't get back." She said. I look at my baby she was whining trying to come to me. "Pa.." she said. I wanted to take her. "Am sorry baby" I say as I look down trying to not look in her eyes. It earns me  few louder whines and soft cries.

"Namjoon oppa too ignored her, and it's almost her lunch time...." his sister says. I nod. "Pa..." she whines and cries, if I give up now, it will turn into a drama. Which I am sure neither me nor namjoon nor does my daughter want to go through at the moment. "Pa...." she calls again. My heart can not take this. She keeps crying. I try to ignore but she suddenly grasps my hand not letting go repeating pa. I can only remember the first time she was born and the first thing she did when I finally got to hold her was to hold my hand. She cries louder. Thats it. Am not ignoring my baby any more. I don't care.

I take her in my arms, she still crying hard. Which worried me. " it's ok, you should go and enjoy with your friends" I say to his sister. "But the baby" she asks. "Dont worry she is with her parents... I will get her back" I say. Hesitant she nods.  Getting away since I was the last member. I know jungkook is watching me weirdly because I can feel his eyes on me. And I know he probably now is calling jimin too. Who will call hoseok, who will tell taehyung who will tell to yoongi who will finally tell to namjoon expecting an answer.

I hold her close to me rubbing her tiny back. She got all red crying and it was concerning me. I need to clam her down. The fans weren't a problem at the moment because it was break time and they were going out. "Jin who-" our manager comes to me but I get up walking towards back stage in changing rooms. "Jin!" It was namjoon, I turn back avoiding the other members eyes. "Namjoon, I think it is time....." I say. He looks at me and nods. "You calm her down...." he says. I nod. Turning back.

"Shh...calm down baby it's ok." I say kissing her cheeks. But all she does is keep repeating pa as she kept crying. "I know baby.....papa is sorry...don't cry angle......" I say trying to calm her down. But she doesn't. Her crying had resulted in her getting short of breath and coughing. "You are scaring me baby...please please calm down.... let me feed you..." I say.

(Namjoon pov)
And jin left, me alone with them. I sigh turning. Their faces ofcourse read confusion. "Namjoon, I have no clue who the baby is right there, but I am sure something is up and jin hyung and you are hiding something" yoongi says keeping his hands on his waist. "Right." I say.

"Hyung what is it?" Jungkook asks looking at me. "I and jin have something to say to you" I say. "You definitely do, explain us all of the stuff" taehyung says. "So, me and jin we had been dating for quite a long time now...." I say. "How long?" Jimin asks. "3 years to be exact." I say. "And it's not like we didn't wanted to say to you guys. We did but for the first 2 years we weren't sure of our own self. And we'll the 3rd year we finally decided we need to tell you" I say.

"Then what stopped you from doing that?" Hoseok asked rolling his eyes. "Uhm...well, we found out we were going to have a kid." I say mumbling. "So that baby is yours and jin hyungs?" Jimin asks. "Yeah she is our daughter." I say. "And you didn't told us." Yoongi said. "No..." "and you were not going to say to us either?" Taehyung says. "No..its not-" I try to say but hoseok cuts me off, "namjoon don't try to give an explanation now. You both dated for 3 years and didn't told us. And you two had a kid together and you didn't even told us that. Do you think we are dumb enough to not know that you were not going to say to us anything?" Hoseok says.

"Its not like that hobi it" I try to explain but again get cut off, "oh hyung don't say anything. You just don't consider us as a part of your family just say it" jungkook says tears in his eyes. "No kookie it's not like that! You are my family..." I say trying to reach to him. "Then why will you keep your daughter a secret from us? Why didn't you told us about her before? Why didn't you said that you two were about to have a child together? Why didn't you let us be a part of it to? What will you say to your daughter about us? Or will you keep us hidden from her as well? Namjoon, I never ever ever expected this from you" yoongi says.

"Yoongi hyung you know. It's not like that! Please try to understand-" "namjoon!" I heard jin calling me from back stage. "You know what namjoon, you and jin hyung don't need us in your life. Just go. You two are better without us." Hoseok said walking away. "Hobi!" "Namjoon hurry up!" I heard jin calling me. I look at them. They held a look of betrayal in their eyes. "Am sorry namjoon but you fucked up" yoongi says turning away. Others following him. I turn back to get to jin and my daughter.

I could hear sobs but not of my daughter instead it was jin. I hurry towards him. There he sat his shirt disheveled maybe he wanted to feed her up. His face red from crying and so was his nose. "Jin what happened? " I ask him cupping his cheeks. "namjoon" he began. I look down at his arms. There she laid, quietly. Too quite. "she won't wake up!" Jin said hiccuping from the crying. I look at my daughter. Face red from all the crying cheeks still wet. "Joonie...wake her up!" Jin said crying. "Shit...." I take her in.

My worst fear taking over me. What if I lost her? No I shouldn't think like that. She was still breathing her little chest going up and down. "Baby....wake up...." I say rubbing her chest. Her hands were getting cold and so was her feet. "Joonie.." Jin says trying to warm her hands up. Her breaths were unsteady. "Jin.....we need to get her to hospital now.. " I say helping jin up.

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