Kaksi; Thyra

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"It's the knowledge of the fact that she has nothing to loose"


⚠️ murder, one mention of suicide, death, killing, assassination, starvation, bloody head, blood ⚠️

Six days after Andra's escape

The gods are watching her.


"I got him"

The man behind the counter raises his eyebrow. Thyra looks at him in the same unimpressed way, crossing her arms over her chest. The room is dark, only a few candles lit in the corners of the space. The windows are covered with wooden slabs, which seems unnecessary because the whole building is already hidden away in the darkest and smallest alley they could find. Inside it smells like blood, sweat and alcohol. Broken shards of glass decorate the ground like small diamonds, stinky men laugh with each other like the drunks they are.

Behind the closed off counter lays a whole lot of money, and Thyra is just about to get her hands on some of it. Oh how she loves money.

She drags herself through dirt, sin and blood to get that money, and it's nothing new. In this world there is a clear difference between those who live like kings, and those who fight to survive. Those who try their very hardest to get even a single meal for the day. Orphans, peasants, and people like her. All three. Peasant, orphan and bounty hunter. Doing whatever it takes for that sweet, sweet gold.

"You already did one yesterday"

Thyra rolls her black eyes. When she stands up from the stool, the clerk gulps. People often mistake her, a girl, to be soft and kind. But she's a poor woman, doesn't have the money to be gentle or sweet. Her shoulders are broad, her arms look muscular and strong. She has a scowl on her face every single day, matched by her deep dark eyes and messy black hair. Her curls are cut short, to just above her shoulders, and she always has either dirt or blood on her face. Height wise she is tall, even for a man. And her clothes are just like any other peasants, brown rags tied together with rope. The difference is, she always carries her most expensive possession wherever she goes. Her metal sword, hanging from a thick leather belt.

"And I took one out today too, do you have a problem with that?"

The clerk looks away.

"You'll get ten gold for the head"

Bounty hunters have a very simple job. In the evening Thyra searches up one of the guilds in whatever town that she's in, and gets inside. These special guilds take money from rich people, promising to assassinate someone in return. The bounty hunters like Thyra get a part of the money after they kill the said person, after they do the dirty work. It's a very risky job, and according to red clan law, Thyra and any other bounty hunter will be beheaded if she's caught for her crimes. That's why bounty hunters travel around, always on foot, never stay at one place for too long. Some wear masks too, Thyra's is a black fabric one that she pulls over her lower face. She doesn't really care about it though, she's a woman, there is no way Red clan guards ever get suspicious of her.

Traveling from one country to another is a riskier thing though. Thyra was born here, in the red clan, and does most of her business here. The bordering countries, the Gold clan and the Blue clan are stricter and have more guards around. It's harder to pass their boarders and harder to kill for money without getting caught. The red clan might be corrupted, poor, dirty and dangerous but it's perfect for a bounty hunter like her. She fits right in with her scowling face, cold personality and scary look.

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