Viisi; Explosion

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"What's your name cutie"


⚠️ blood, attempted sexual assault (nothing happens), death, death threat ⚠️

"Help me! Please! We are sisters"

The ringing in her ears almost manage to cover the breathless chuckle from above. Staring at the ground, the young girl can't help but feel rage. Not so much of the situation, but because of the sand and rocks. Everywhere she goes, there is dust and dirt and sand. It seeps into her bleeding wound.

"We are not as much sisters as we are competitors"

A loud cry of frustration leaves the suffering mouth of the younger. So many words she has tried to say for so many years.

"I don't want to be your competition! I want to be your sister!"

She can never forget.

"You don't have a choice"

Eight days after Andra's escape

It's like it was just yesterday. The bloody screams, the rocks and the dirt and the sand. But it's been three hundred years.

Minerva realizes this as she holds onto herself. Time didn't seem so relevant until now. She was just a goddess floating somewhere high above, not aging and not changing one bit. It didn't matter if one hundred or three hundred years had passed since she became a near immortal, all powerful being as she was. But suddenly it does matter. Because it's been three hundred years since she died, and her entire bloodline is probably gone by now.

The relief she feels at that thought is chilling. Sure she might be rid of them now, but that doesn't change the fact that she is all alone, in the human realm. No longer can she be protected by the high stone walls of her ancestral home, which surely has burned or fallen down by now. Protected by the so called riches and strengths of her family, their words that were always superior to hers and their minds always more wise. Now she's all alone, for better or worse.

Touching her medium long hair, rather than feeling the colorful strands from before, Minerva feels her raven black hair. The same one from three hundred years ago. She feels much shorter, just as short as she was before her death. That's all it takes for her to realize, that she has been sent to the human realm looking exactly the same as when she left it. The realization makes her hug her body closer and shiver, tears threatening to spill over, right where she is standing in the middle of a green field. Like her death has just happened.

Minerva doesn't recognize this place. Hundreds of acres of green field stretch out over the lands. The sky is summer blue, an eagle spreading its wings over the horizon. The sun is just rising, warming up the chilly air a little bit. It's not enough though, Minerva realizes, and she hugs her body closer to herself. After three hundred years Minerva is reminded of what it feels like to be cold. Then she remembers the hunger, and tears are pushing in her eyes again. The churning hunger was the last thing she wanted to remember. It's something that makes her head spin.

"Focus Minerva! Think about your mission"

The name slips out of her mouth without thinking, and soon she has her hand clasped over her face. She shouldn't be mentioning Minerva's name here. Humans recognize Minerva as one of the Gods, and nobody names their child that out of respect. If she were to call herself Minerva people would either know that she's the goddess, or simply put her in jail for using it as her own. At least those were the rules when she was still alive.

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