Viisitoista; Stuntwoman

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"Was I too extreme?"


⚠️ death, blood, murder, war, violence ⚠️

So everything didn't exactly go as planned.

Thyra storms for the man holding Fei, not really knowing why she's so angry. She grabs his neck before he can even acknowledge her presence, before anyone can realize that someone is actually moving in the tense atmosphere.  Even though it's risky for Fei to some extent, Thyra still takes a good grip on the man and rips him off her. Thankfully, he can only blink in shock and not act dangerously when still so very close to the beautiful miss Fei. But Thyra isn't done. Now that she has everyone's attention, she lets her nails dig deeper into his neck until he screams and finally begins to struggle.

Blood splashes out from the sudden wound that the assassin creates. Thyra enjoys every moment of it, watches the red liquid stain her hands with a sick look in her eye. Minerva squints and focuses on that expression for a millisecond or so. She sees everything in those eyes. Thyra is crazy, she's beyond messed up. The man tries to struggle but he is no match for Thyra's gruesome and harsh grip around his now bleeding throat. The rest can only watch, frozen from shock. Andra and the chief are the only ones still moving and not watching the scene, fighting each other until one of them dies. Minerva takes a step back when the man inevitably dies, and without anyone looking, she disappears further into the house and away from everyone.

When the soldier lays limp in Thyra's hold, she lets go of his dead body and he flops to the wooden floor. Dana and Dawn are suddenly by her side, and the assassin looks around to try to figure out why. Then she sees the dozens of soldiers that are starting to attack them because she killed him. No longer focusing on Andra's fight with the city chief, everyone is back to fighting. There are way less people now, with many dead on the floor. Some have the time and luck to be able to move the bodies away from underneath their feet. Others just fight over them.

The air gets thick and warm quickly. Screams and yells echo around the property, and momentarily the women worry that it will alert other soldiers in the city. It's midnight, and not many other loud sounds are heard around this time. Easily the screams and swords clinging could echo down to a patrolling soldier and he could alert the others. They're in a bad position right now, and although the women are winning, in this city they are way outnumbered. Luck isn't on their side.

Minerva notices this as she runs through the halls of the low, wooden mansion. Every now and then she looks behind her, just to make sure that nobody is following her. She continues to run, silently. Unlike a normal person Minerva isn't out of breath at all. She is well trained after all. The scars on her arms and legs from the previous fight heal quickly, way too quickly. It's the holy magic working, healing every scar and cleaning up the blood from her skin. Minerva licks her lips in concentration, squinting her eyes to see better in the darkness. She hears the screams and wails behind her.

The house is still too small for a fight like this. Andra crashes into another soldier when she tries to avoid the chiefs fiftieth attack. The soldier she crashed into turns around and tries to swing at her from behind, where she can't see, while the chief comes front the front. Andra gulps when she is suddenly outnumbered. Meeting the chiefs sword before it can pierce through her chest, Andra leans backwards and closes her eyes tight. Any second now, the other soldier could stick his sword through her back. But the blade never comes. Andra opens her eyes and looks down, ready to see a metallic object but not finding anything. She sees the chief glare at someone behind her, but doesn't dare to turn around herself.

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