Kahdeksantoista; Blue shadows

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"I'm not possessive, just a bad person"


"You will stay locked in here forever, I'll make sure of that"

"Your obsession with keeping me shut away is pathetic"

She snarls at him. It's the first time she's ever done that. Aiguo has to admit, he is taken aback. But the melancholy in his soul will never wither away. He will always be the one to frown, the one to keep quiet. The one who doesn't care. Her words are a desperate attempt to strike upwards, but he will always have the upper hand. Authority just comes naturally when you're older than everyone else.

"You've grown quite a mouth during my trip to the blue clan. I expected you to become more mature after our mothers death, Fei"

Aiguo went on a long trip to the blue clan to finish up some business their father left behind, right after his and their mothers death. He is the oldest in the family now, in charge of every single sibling. That includes the youngest, Fei. The trouble child. The most beautiful child too. She is around twenty now, already an adult woman, but under his ward. All her other sisters are married already, their partners chosen by their father. The same thing goes for almost all of their brothers. But Aiguo hasn't found anyone for Fei yet, and neither had their father during his last years alive. Until then, she'll have to stay locked in, no matter how many times she tries to escape.

"I have always had a mouth, brother. You all just liked to keep it shut before"

"Like it should be. You stay at home and stay quiet Fei, I don't want to hear anything from you"

Fei is sad that their conversations have always been like this. Sad that she can't have a normal relationship with any of her siblings. Sad that they all hate her. She'd much rather ask Aiguo what his trip was like, he was gone for so many months, leaving her with the other brothers that foolishly tried to lead the household but ended up loosing a bunch of money instead. She has never been able to travel, always been stuck here, and none of her siblings ever tell her what it's like.

Too bad they are busy being so hateful, so emotionless.

Fei is silent when she looks around. She finally knows what it's like outside the gold clan.

The calmness of a waterfall spreads across the hall. Everything feels so, simple, but in such a beautiful way. Quiet, calm and exquisite. Fluffy white clouds gliding across a bright blue sky. A simple breeze ruffling their hairs. Smooth stone flooring underneath their feet. Tropical flowers and plants here and there, casting long shadows over the walls. Open balconies and windows, birds singing outside. Guards dressed in simple armor, holding non threatening weapons. Warming smiles and a fresh smell in the air.

Kids run around freely, not tied down to their schoolwork. They are laughing and having fun. There is food everywhere, they don't seem to be lacking of anything here. The blue clan may be smaller than the gold clan, but they save no expense. The people here dress with jewelry and gold, they have the finest silks for their gowns and the best flowers in their hair. Even the kids are dressed like royalty, and the beggars like the rich. There is water everywhere, but despite that the rain is warm and light. A light flow of steam continues to rise up into the sky. Just taking a breath feels like you are healing your lungs.

It is here, in the capital of the blue clan, where they have come to. The army is stationed in the palace somewhere, that stands simply yet beautifully right on a lake. Calm waterfalls and ponds are not uncommon here. Neither are lakes or seas, or underwater caves. They have built the clan on a land of lakes and seas, islands and tropical hills. It smells amazing, it's a great change from the sweaty and tough journey here. Fei has followed five other officers, along with Dana and Dawn, the princess and her bodyguard. They are being lead by the one and only, empress of the blue clan, somewhere further into the depths of the palace. It's not a very tall palace, but it's very long and wide. Stretching on for miles, it has thousands of rooms and secret gardens. Fei is amazed, she has never been to a real palace before.

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