Kolmetoista; Crown Jewels

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"How peculiar?"


⚠️ death ⚠️

Fourteen days after Andra's escape

"Why are you like this?"

"Like what?"

Spread out over the smooth velvet couch, lays a slender and beautiful boy. His cat like eyes shine in an intriguing brownish yellow color, and he smiles coyly. His tongue lightly touches the fang like teeth that he has, knowing fully well that he's the person everyone wants. Strong but smooth hands with long and slender fingers, always wearing rings and a light, see through pink nail polish. A piece of black silk is tied around his neck, like a choker. Rather than having long hair like most other men and women, his hair is cut slightly shorter. He cut it to get the natural curls, and to look cute no matter what he has done, to look cute even if he's messy.

His gown is more open than what's accepted. The fabric is pink and white, but there isn't a lot of it. His neck and collarbones are exposed, showing multiple hickeys and other similar marks underneath. The only kinds of marks that stain his perfect skin are the man made ones, and he shows them proudly. A few pearl and golden bracelets hang over his wrists, that happens to be quite small because of his lucky bone structure. His face is sharp, but has this roundish hint to it, that makes him look cute and innocent when he wants to be. Without too much muscle, just the perfect amount, he's the ideal man for any average woman, or man, on the streets of Crown Jewels.

Dermot is a person with wings, as they say. A person who goes wherever the wind takes him, doesn't really care about norms or rules or expectations. It's a little odd in a society that's built up on laws, norms and rules. Especially rules about ranks, like nobles, royals and peasants. But Dermot has always been against putting people in boxes, stamping labels over their heads like they'll be any different in the afterlife. Technically he's a peasant, from the poor village of Yellow Sands just outside the capital. But he left at an early age and found a more liberal home from the big city of Crown Jewels, where he was appreciated for his good looks and attractive demeanor.

Of course, there are still people who are against that. Especially after the queen died.

"Like this! Can't you just get a job with your good connections and stop begging around"

Dermot is seated, or laid down, next to one of his early friends. Although he is starting to question why he hangs out with this guy. All he does is complain and complain. Dermot is quite famous in the city, he's the person who decides all the trends for the more feminine men, he's the person who decides what music and culture is popular and which features are attractive, along with others like him. It's the famous and beautiful wives of high officials, and him. And for six years, since he was fifteen years old, he's enjoyed that privilege. He's the prettiest guy around, he's got the most influence and he has practically ever rich and famous man and woman around his finger.

So why would he need a job? Because his friend doesn't think a man could be the one to sleep around and collect money from sugar daddies and sugar mommies alike. His friend thinks that it's for girls, because he still lives fifty years in the past. His friend is becoming more expressive of those thoughts now, ever since the king became king and the queen became nothing but dust inside an urn. All these new norms and rules by the new king are hated by him, and hated by all women. He wonders how long it will last, because truly he's getting tired of loosing all of his sugar mommies because they are loosing their high jobs, and he's getting tired of his friend's complaining that he's not "manly enough".

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