Six; Puppy

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"Curious or not, I won't tell you, puppy"


⚠️ the use of the word puppy in an affectionate way because it's cute /j ⚠️


Fei looks up at Thyra through her lashes, a calm and graceful expression on her face.

The last day of their travel.

Above them, the sun is shining behind the leaves of a big cheery tree. It's in full bloom, pink petals falling down and surrounding them. They match Minerva's pink dress as well, she looks so perfect and at home. Thyra doesn't, not really. Her black and purple uniform contrasts the soft colours beneath her, and her rough demeanour is quite different from the gentle one that Fei portrays. Yet, they both seem at ease, no longer arguing.

The cherry tree has a fresh smell, with a hint of something sweet. The horse needed to rest, so Thyra saw it as a fitting place. There is a stream where they can get water, just a few steps below. And the road isn't too far away, so they can reach it easily. A few hours up the road lays the imperial city, and while Thyra is impatient to get home, she is also impatient to get answers.

"Whatever do you mean?"

Few speaks in a quiet, gentle tone. She is leaning against the tree and closing her eyes, calming down after yet another day of non stop travelling. After all, she is still not so sure about this whole thing, and is in no rush to return to the imperial city. There is a reason why she left. She belongs far away, in the west of the kingdom, where her family owns land and have people to take care of. Far away from the capital, the politics and all its problems. Far away from reality, where she can dream away and work through the past.

But there is the problem of Thyra and Andra. She only wanted to have fun, and she couldn't stop her emotions and feelings when around them. She shouldn't have gotten attached, but she did. And because of that, the empress is now demanding her presence and the empresses loyal bodyguard is more than willing to follow through with those orders, because she too is attached. Fei is still hesitant though. This is not what she came to earth for, this is not what she wanted to do. Love is something that humans experience, something that she lost the capability of having three hundred years ago.

"Our freedom is limited in the imperial city, so here you must talk. I don't care how little you tell me, but I must know something about whatever secret you have, before we are locked away in a place where the walls have ears"

Thyra's voice is dull and monotonous, but for the first time there is a hint of curiosity in her too. Fei looks away from Thyras general direction and sighs. Yet again she is in an alleyway. Cornered by questions and cornered by every time she has been careless and let the secret slip. Only Thyra knows. Thyra is the only one who is suspicious of her and still alive and well. She saw her that morning at the blue clan, when she was meditating. She saw her that day in the village, when she killed those men plotting to assassinate the empress. Thyra saw her at the mansion in Crown Jewels, killing that general and she saw her, like everyone else, in the throne room that day Aryan died. Thyra has seen the most, so naturally she has questions over what she saw.

"You have seen me, can you explain what you saw?"

Fei asks seriously, while looking straight into Thyra's eyes. Thyra is taken back. Fei's eyes are dangerous, like she is daring her to answer. They glow in that familiar, yet so confusing glow that Thyra saw that morning in the blue clan. She tries to recall, tries to search her brain for an answer. What did she really see? All this time she has been looking for answers, time and time again she has revisited those memories. But she can't explain it. She doesn't know what it is.

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