Sixteen; Truthful

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"You wanted to know the truth, didn't you? Well here you have it"


⚠️ murder, blood, violence, near death experiences, death, weapons, dangerous activities ⚠️

"Get away from me!"

Fei feels her arms raise up to the sky. She tries to shield herself from the upcoming pain and death. The sword is swinging through the air. Rain falls down from the sky at a rapid pace, filling up the air and soaking the ground. Thunder rumbles in the distance. Andother round of lightning breaks through the sky, lighting up everything around them. Fei sees the man's face, handsome and stoic and emotionless. Another trained warrior. She falls to the ground, closing her eyes and pressing herself against a tree.

Why is he here? She thinks in the moment.

Why is a trained warrior here, with her, trying to kill her? Why is he not out there on the battlefield, killing soldiers that are actually threatening his side. A defenseless noble lady, without a weapon and without any means of defense should not be his priority. But he doesn't seem to be in a rush. His look is precise, like he knows exactly what he is doing. No mercy, no hesitation. This is what he has been told to do.

This... this is what he has been told to do. This man is here to kill her. She is being targeted.

Fei gasps for air. The second before his sword hits feels like an hour. She experiences every emotion that can be experienced in that short time. Whatever he has been told to do, she won't be alive to stop it after this. She will watch it from the skies. She will mourn it for the rest of her life. She will never get to live like she wished, never get to experience things and love things and just... be. Exist. She will always be some heavenly being up in the sky, no real connection to anything, no real life beyond her existence up there. Fei regrets every moment of her life in that very moment, even if she could not control it whatsoever.

And then, because of course, another sword meets his. It happens at the last possible millisecond. The sound of metal hitting metal shoots through the air. The two blades drag against each other with much force, causing sparks to burst up into the dark sky. Both swords are hit so harshly, two dents are left in each weapon. The one going downwards is pushed up, because the woman came in with all that she has. With all of her strength. Fei gasps out, panic spreading through her body before disappearing into thin air.

The male soldier is pushed backwards, stumbling over his feet. But not even then does his expression seem to change. He was raised for this, born for this job. He's no different from Thyra. Fei watches them from the ground. She sees the shape of Thyra in the darkness and the rain, standing threateningly against the man that just tried to kill Fei. The bodyguard moves forwards, a tight grip around her sword. Fei can hear the steps of her feet against the mud and puddles of water. She can hear the others heavy breathing. But she can't see much, everything is dark and foggy.

Eventually two swords meet once more. Thunder breaks out in the sky, after a bolt of lightning has hit somewhere nearby. Flashes of light appear throughout the forest, giving Fei a sense of how the fight is going. She knows that if Thyra doesn't win, she'll die. But the thought of her dying is less scary than the thought of Thyra dying. Both because it would make it her fault, and because she... loves her.

Fei would never be able to forgive herself if Thyra died here today. Minerva is the one who didn't leave the earth when she was supposed to. She's the one who kept on living, and eventually ended up on this mission. She's the one who dragged herself into this forest, only to be followed and threatened by an assassin. All these opportunities to die have passed her, all these people that wish to kill her. And yet she has stopped them every time, selfishly so. Eventually leading to the death of another. Minerva shakes her head. She can't live with that regret for the rest of her near immortal life. She just can't. Thyra has to win.

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