Neljä; House of paper

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"Just you wait"


Day 0

"Your royal highness?"

Dull knocking is heard on the thin fabric wall, separating the princess' office from the rest of her quarters. It's pitch black outside, the sound of night bugs crawling and birds squeaking echoing through the palace grounds. Dusty dirt is caught up on the servants shoes, which is why she left them on the wooden platform before stepping into the dark corridors. The faint steps of her white socks were the only sounds that anyone could hear, but she knows the princess isn't asleep, so she doesn't have to worry about making noise.

That's why she's here, to bring some herbal soup. The palace is big, with thousands of servants like maids and guards, cooks and teachers and many more. Earlier in the evening, whispers of the queens death were replaced with what happened in the courtroom between newly crowned King Aryan and princess Andra. First it was the guards and maids that were present at the situation, who whispered about it. But news spreads fast, and soon the entire palace staff knew what had happened. It's not the fun kind of gossip she likes to take part of, it's the kind that sends shivers down your spine and makes it harder to sleep at night.

Her name is Joy, and surely enough, she's a woman. The thought of Aryan changing the country for the worse, especially for women, is chilling. She doesn't have a say in anything concerning politics, she's just a maid. But Joy knows that she might loose her rights completely if this continues on. The fight between Andra and Aryan concerned the future, and she knows that princess Andra is willing to do whatever it takes to preserve the matriarchal society. Joy has big respect for her, especially since she's been transferred from the queens maids to the princess' maids now that the queen is dead. She is here to serve princess Andra with whatever she might need, and although she is new to the princess, freshly transferred, her heart goes out for the black haired girl.

Which is why she, while everyone else is sleeping, is bringing tea to the princess who surely is not asleep.

The halls of Andra's palace are many. It's scary at night, especially since the only source of light is the candle she is skillfully balancing on her one hand, while balancing the soup on the other. Her white and yellow maids gown goes all the way down to her feet, and it's hard not to stumble when the lighting is so low. When Joy sees the door to Andra's study, which is opposite of her bedroom, only a faint light shines through the thin fabric wall. Princess Andra is surely there, Joy thinks, and knocks lightly while having her heart up in her throat.

The princess is more than just intimidating. She is absolutely terrifying. The sheer thought of having to face the woman's harsh stare, or disappointed frown, sends shivers down her spine, and the terrible feeling lingers in her gut. It took a lot of back and fourth bantering inside of her head, and a whole lot of bravery to actually get up from her own bed and make soup, then walk past the guards with a convincing smile on her face, and manage to now knock on Andra's office door. Obviously the princess must be in some sort of distress, whether that's anger, sorrow or stress, after what happened earlier today. Still Joy is willing to test her patience, just so she can care for the monarchs health.

"Princess Andra?"

Joy grows a little anxious after the princess doesn't answer, despite her calling two times. The light inside the study shows that she is very much still awake, so why isn't she answering? Joy starts to shift her weight from one foot to another, her hands feeling clammy and her whole body shivering. What if Andra is in a really bad mood? Will she be punished if she calls for her one more time? Will the princess snap? The next time she opens her mouth, Joy's voice is weak and wavering.

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